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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009
It's Sunday night and it's been another whirlwind of a weekend. We went to church together this morning--took about 30 minutes to get there, but the people were friendly, the sermon was biblical, and communion was an adventure.

I've always wondered how old you have to be in order to take communion. When we attended a Presbyterian church, there was a class the kids went through, a catechism of sorts, making sure they knew what they were doing when they partook. But in cases like this morning, you have to think quickly. No time for in-depth classes.

Brandon, 7, was sitting next to me. He's the one who called me on the phone to tell me he'd prayed to become a Christian a few months ago. "I am with the Father," he said. So I couldn't see a good reason not to let him take communion. I leaned over and tried to explain as the pastor talked about what we were doing. "The bread is the body of Jesus and the wine represents his blood given for us."

He nodded and watched as the communion plate passed. Both the bread and the wine (wafers and grape juice) were in there and he took one of each. He watched me, then copied my actions. Then he licked the communion cup. Like a dog that can't get enough of the peanut butter, he just licked and licked. I knew I had a foolproof test for when a kid is too young to take communion. Now, I have always WANTED to lick the communion cup, but I have never done something so gauche.

He looked up at me, with all seriousness, and said, "What's the cranberry juice supposed to be?"


I've set up my office for the show tomorrow. Another setback--the man who owns the house right next to ours gave me a can't miss deal on renting it month-to-month. It's the same size as the one we're in, three bedrooms. I thought it would be perfect for my office, a peaceful escape where I could do the show and write, but there's something they put on the carpets to clean it and when I go inside my eyes begin to water. Andrea couldn't stay even a few minutes. We tried airing it out but we'll just have to deal with what we have.

I think God is teaching us how little we really need. For the past few weeks my briefcase has been a plastic bag from the local grocery store, Frys. I just put the stuff I need in there and toss it in the car and go. I bought two new shirts at Walmart, both white Dickeys shirts, and I found an Ohio State hat for $5. I think I'm ready for Spring.

Saturday I took three boys to watch the Rockies play the Dodgers. Except it wasn't the real Rockies and Dodgers. These were the single A teams with a few players sprinkled in. It was still fun. Except it was 91 degrees and we were right in the middle of the hot sun and there were all kinds of college-age kids around us drinking many bottles of Coors and letting fly with the language. It's sad to hear and after a few innings we left, partly because of the heat and partly because I was tired of the language, and mostly because we were in the Dodger section and they were leading by 4 runs.

I don't even need regular season games to make me happy. There's something about doing without all the bells and whistles that makes you hunger for what really satisfies. Makes you want to lick the communion cup a little longer.


Nana Time said...

I love the communion cup licking...and I think God LOL when He saw it :)

A long time ago a member of our church used bring a little boy from a disadvantaged (ie poor) family with her to church. Phillip would go to the communion rail, throw back the grape juice like a cowboy at a saloon and go AHHH! I loved it; and I think we should all be so happy to have our sins washed away we lick the cup and say Ahhhhh!

Anonymous said...

Chris, thank you even in the midst of hardship and major trials your blog made me chuckle. We are praying for you and your family.
Barbara Fenn
WCRF listener

Phil Hoover said...

God is providing for you, Chris...He really is!