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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I was writing/editing some scripts for the Love Worth Finding program that features Dr. Adrian Rogers. Though he died in 2005, the program is on more stations now than when he was alive. In 2008, there were more than 1,200 people who indicated they came to faith through the ministry of that program. It's unbelievable, and yet points out the power of God's Word.

I came across this truth in the midst of a message on praying in the spirit. Dr. Rogers was making the point that God wants us to lean on him and his power rather than trust in ourselves. The true power we have is not in our own strength, but in the strength God gives--and prayer is ground zero in our relationship with God.

Here's what Pastor Rogers said:

“Have you ever heard the groaning of a mother about to give birth to a child? The agony. The pain. The groanings. But there is something about that groaning that is unique…because it is pain, but linked with that pain is an intense desire to bring forth. It is pain that is transfigured by hope and expectation. That’s the deepest form of prayer. Pain transfigured by hope and expectation as the Holy Spirit of God in us prays the prayer of agony. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who helps us to pray.”

Maybe you can't even pray today because of some heavy weight. It may be the most powerful thing you can do is to groan to God. May He help bring forth your hope and expectation today.


Mary Beth Magee said...

Chris, as usual you have gone to the heart of an issue and given us the central truth. You and your family have learned so much about pain ... you know whereof you speak.

I am reminded of the Casting Crowns song, "I'll Praise You in the Storm," - the opening that talks about how he thought Jesus would have been back by now. When he says "And it's still raining," I feel it to my core. So often I want to cry "make it stop, Lord, please make it stop." And sometimes I can only groan, as you so neatly described it.

I want my mom to recover. I want my sister to be healed. I want a job. I ... I ... I. And when the pattern is displayed, the tears come because my heart knows it should be "You, Lord; You, Father." And I groan as much in guilt of my misdirected pleas as in the pain of need.

Thank you for the reminder, Chris. None of us suffers alone and each of us can offer a measure of solace to others. Be blessed, my friend.

Unknown said...

Listneing to the program. Not sure I agree totally. I believe God has a plan and that there is beaty from ashes. I was diagnosed with Chronic Progressive MS shortly after my husband and I were married. My husband was the BEST care partner any one could ask for. Our marriage was happy and we felt God had blessed us tremendously. Despite my MS, we were able to give of our time and talents, volunteering and helping others. We had just found a new church home.
My husband suddenly died in a tragic accident. To say that we weren't fruitful isn't really helpful. I realize that My husband is home with the Lord and I will see him again. I have a hard time seeing that I needed to be pruned like this in order to be even more fruitful. I was not a "dependent" person before or after my diagnosis. I believe in Jeremiah 29:11. He has a plan for me. Just not sure this fits for every one.

Chris Fabry said...

I'm sorry for your loss. You're right that this doesn't fit everyone's circumstance. Losing such a dear one is not always God pruning us. Obviously God allowed that to happen, but to say he is pruning you would not be correct. I'm sure you'd agree that you've learned things you would never have learned, but if given the choice, you'd take your husband back. My heart goes out to you in this season. May God walk closely beside you--or carry you through the next phase of your journey. And thanks for reading the blog!