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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
One of the finer moments of an author’s life is holding a book that previously was only a thought in the head or words typed on a computer. Yesterday a box of books landed on our doorstep and I’m proud of this one for many reasons. The biggest one is that I think it’s going to help many people who are floundering in life.

The book is about Drew Brees, quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, Super Bowl winner, husband, father. I was asked to help tell his story and felt uniquely called to do so. Let me explain.

Drew had a devastating shoulder injury on December 31, 2005. The comeback from that injury and his move from San Diego to New Orleans was an odyssey that seems orchestrated by more than the front office of the Saints. There were so many things at work that caused all of the negatives of his life to be turned to positives. It’s a gritty, real-life drama that encompasses excruciating physical and emotional pain, divorce, suicide, and the ups and downs of the NFL.

The book is titled Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity. When I first heard his story, I was struck with how Drew and his family handled all the difficulties they faced and how they threw themselves into the lives of hurting people. They’re doing that again with the oil spill in the gulf. I was also struck with the odyssey my family had been through and how much we feel the events of the past few years have not defeated us, but are making us ready for new challenges. I felt uniquely qualified to attempt to write this book—though I always feel inadequate with every project I begin.

Drew was dedicated to telling the story well, the good and the bad, and helping readers where they are. He took an intense interest not just in giving interviews, but also in crafting the chapters so that the information was correct and made you feel like you were right there in the huddle with him. He wanted a person who has no interest in the NFL to enjoy the read, but he also wanted football fans to get a glimpse behind the curtain and feel like they were part of the action.

Coming Back Stronger will release on July 6. It’s not just another sports book. It’s a life book. I don’t promise that you will become a Saints fan after reading it. Loyalties run deep in the NFL. But I think you will become a fan of Drew Brees and learn where he gets his strength.


Glynn said...

Very cool, Chris. Even though I don't live in New Orleans, I was born and raised there, and remember when the Saints first started (I was in high school); the long drought; and then the Super Bowl. I will definitely have to get this book.

Lucky in Love said...

Chis, I've been anticipating the release of this book ever since I heard you first talk about it on your show. I went to Purdue, as did my dad..and well, my sister and brother too! So we are big Drew fans. I wanted to give it to my dad and now it will be in perfect timing for his birthday in July! Can't wait to read!

Anonymous said...

I wish could open a box of books which I wrote myself! This biography sounds fascinating. I bet it's going to be a book I can't put down.