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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Thanks to everyone who entered the "Share Your Story" contest. I’m sorry we don’t have enough ARCs to send to everyone (especially my dear friends). Here are some excerpts from the winning entries that show some of the power of Christian radio. We'll be sharing more of these here over the next few days. I hope these stories encourage you a bit and get you excited about Almost Heaven.

On leaving a 23yr. long marriage, I was a lost soul. Driving to work on Memorial Day that year, I was passing a lovely local park, and a song came on the radio called, "Stand by Me." I was so alerted to the words that I was shocked and put myself totally into God's hands. My radio station was WYLL, then WMBI in Chicago. My car is my holy sanctuary, and is dedicated to sacred music and prayerful thoughts and actions.

- Joan M. Kujawa, Crystal Lake, IL

Living in a very rural, East Tennessee town, the only time I can hear a contemporary Christian radio station is when I am on the road - and I have to be at least twenty miles from home. On this particular day in late 2009, I needed to be uplifted; and the Knoxville, Tennessee WWLT 103.1 FM, KLOVE, did just that for me. Like the Fabrys, I suffer from a mold-induced illness, and the past few years have been difficult. While traveling to Knoxville for a physician's appointment, Casting Crowns sang All Because of Jesus. On my way home, I swung by my favorite Christian bookstore and bought the CD and I must have played All Because of Jesus ten, twenty, or thirty times. The song grabbed my heart and gave me the spiritual lift I was needing.

- Myra L. Marcum, Oneida, TN

When I was a teenager, back in the 70's, I spent a lot of time in my room to get away from family strife--my dad was an alcoholic. In my room, I read my books and listened to my radio. I discovered a Christian radio show from Freeville, NY that played Christian music by artists like Phil Keaggy, Second Chapter of Acts, and the Imperials. Pittsburgh had WPIT with Dusty Rhodes. The songs ministered to me and took me out of the turmoil around me. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have that music to let me know my Heavenly Father loved me. I now work at a Family Christian Store and can relate to my customers who love music and Christian fiction, too.

- Mary Ellen McFadden, Bridgeville, PA

I listened to "Night Sounds" for just about forever on our local AM radio station. It wasn't until I moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin in 1982 that I discovered that such a thing as Christian radio existed. I stumbled upon a wonderful station, 103.7 FM WWIB.

The music of Michael Card, Rich Mullins and so many others and the teaching of Chuck Swindoll and James Dobson were invaluable when circumstances led to a job loss and caring for my mother as her health declined.

One day, in the late summer of 2000, it wasn't there. I tried every radio in my house, moved them from room to room, but all I received was static. In desperation, I searched the radio dial and discovered a Christian station closer to home, 88.5 FM WGNV. I also discovered that they were looking for a weekend announcer. The hours meshed perfectly with my teaching job and were very flexible, but, even though I have a communications background, it did not seem possible that I would be able to get the job. Much to my surprise, I was called for an interview. To my even greater surprise, I received a second call. I accepted, and became the announcer for Saturday and Sunday afternoon programs.

Soon, I was offered the overnight announcing as well and now, for nearly ten years, I have been the "voice of the overnight" for central Wisconsin. Sitting alone, late at night in a studio situated in the middle of a horse pasture, it has been great joy and fun to share the message of Jesus Christ with the long-haul truckers and parents awake with 2:00 AM feedings, graveyard shift workers and those who just can't sleep.

In 2003, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. WGNV was in the middle of its annual Sharathon and I returned from the doctor to fill in my shift as board operator for the evening. Calls were slow coming in and my boss, Paul Perrault and the Sharemedia guys were having a quiet conversation with our general manager, Paul Cameron. My boss came up behind me and relieved me of my headphones. All of the staff members and volunteers crowded into the on-air studio and my boss went live on-air to tell everyone about my diagnosis and ask for prayer for me. He turned on the microphones as these wonderful people laid their hands on me and prayed. Two weeks later, I had the surgery. By the grace of God, the cancer was contained within the tough membrane of a 40 pound tumor. I had gone from having been given a two percent survival rate to a ninety-eight percent survival rate. Eight weeks after that, I was back on the air without needing chemotherapy or radiation and am now nearly seven years cancer-free.

Christian radio has given me my "voice" to share the gospel. I will likely never know until the other side of heaven if I have had an impact on anyone's life, but I know that all I need to do is to continue to tell people that God loves them and Jesus died to save them and rose to open the gates of heaven for them and God will handle the results.

- Kathy Kexel, Marshfield, WI


Nana Time said...

Wow, Chris, these Share your story winners are awesome!

I will now go and gladly buy my copy!