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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Monday, October 27, 2014
I said it loudly and with conviction. I said it to my dog. But I didn’t hear the irony until later.

Tebow, our Morkie, was perched in his favorite spot on the back of the couch, scanning the movement of everything outside. A bee buzzed past the window and he barked. The plants outside waved in the wind and he barked. He thought someone was at the door and he barked. He barked at the sound of his bark.

“You don’t have to bark at everything,” I yelled.

I berated him, brow-beat him, looked sternly at him and rolled my eyes as if I were saying, “Come on, get with the program.”

“I’ll take care of the bunny in the yard or the wind or the truck going past without a muffler. If you see a rattlesnake or an intruder, you can bark, otherwise, I’m good. You don't have to bark at everything.”

Then it hit me, this must be how God feels about me.

There’s some issue that’s pressing, that has me all wrapped up. Somebody cuts me off in traffic or rushes ahead in the only open aisle at the grocery store and I have three items and they have 300. I get frustrated with a candidate's commercial or bone-headed play. And I bark.

I like to sit on my couch and bark and think I’m doing something. It makes me feel better to bark.

But life is not just about making me feel better. So I’m trying to learn from Tebow and save my bark for things that count. I don't have to bark at everything.


Gail said...

This is so true! I read your blog post on not barking at everything yesterday (love your dog!) and meditated on it throughout the day. When My husband and I were moving some furniture and a washer and dryer last night, I found myself barking at him. God reminded me of your post that I don't have to bark at everything! My husband and I had a great conversation about it. Thank you.

rose kabat said...

Was ironing and had no time to call about glasses.
When they put my frames on me to fit them they pushed them right up against my face. When they fit the lenses in the lines were wrong.
No one wear their glasses pushed up right against the face. Check and see they rest on the nose a little forward. That is where the readings should be taken. Get them to fix them. You CAN wear these lenses.

sabrina said...

Very insightful. Never thought about it that way before. Thanks Chris.