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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Monday, June 30, 2008
I talked today about dropping our son, Colin, at a camp high in the Rockies. It's 9,200 feet in elevation. There's a beautiful lake near the cabins. A water slide. Canoes. And lots of Frisbees.

I think the thing that choked me up most on the program today was the thought that he could think that we, as his parents, need a break from his diabetes care. A kid shouldn't have to take care of his parents.

So far we haven't heard anything from the camp. He's probably being taken care of better than we can with all the medical personnel. Still, I can't help but wonder how he's doing, if he's made any new friends, and what kind of stories we're going to hear.

I wrote Colin a few letters for his reading pleasure. One was from our dogs, Pippen and Frodo. There were a lot of "bark" and "woof" references and I'm sure it will be a big hit with him.

I hope you enjoyed the program today. Wasn't the easiest I've ever done, but it was from the heart.


Literacygirl said...

Does Colin have an insulin pump yet? I know it has changed the lives of my family members. Love your show!