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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Friday, September 26, 2008
As a writer, you set goals for your work. Each day I try to write a certain amount of words or a certain amount of pages. I know, because the delivery date of the manuscript is set, that if I put off until tomorrow the writing of those pages and words, it only increases the number down the road. So I stick with it, put my rear in the chair, and put my fingers on the keyboard.

I was recently on Nancy Turner's program on WMBI in Chicago. She asked, "How do you find time to write when you have 9 children and do a radio program each day?"

I'm a big believer that whatever you think is important, you'll do. If your marriage is important, you'll make time to deepen that relationship. If your children are important to you, they'll know it by the time you spend with them. And if writing is something important to you, you'll find time in the schedule to do it. Turn off the TV, turn off the distractions, and do what God called you to do. And, by the way, I probably wouldn't do the writing thing if it weren't a deep-seated calling I feel.

With that said, I reached a goal I had never considered reachable before. Last night I helped my 2nd daughter, Megan, move an entertainment center into her apartment. My son, Reagan, went with us. What were we thinking naming them Megan and Reagan? Anytime we called them the other would yell, "What?" Anyway, after we moved the behemoth in, Reagan and I went to the local grocery store. It's called King Soopers-just the Colorado version of Kroger. Reagan found his Nerd's ropes and I went looking for a sandwich or salad.

As we passed the end cap of books, all the bestsellers from top writers, my eye stopped at the bottom of the rack. There was a familiar crimson and gray cover with Jim Tressel's face on the front. I helped him write The Winners Manual in March and April of this year, and here's that book in my local grocery store.

I had always hoped I could buy a book by Chris Fabry where I buy my beans and turnips, but I don't think it seemed believable to me. I pointed at it and said, "Hey Reagan, look!"

He smiled big and put up his hand. I gave him a high five. The lady behind us had a bag full of cheese in her cart. She was older. She had no idea what was going on. She smiled anyway. I wanted to say, "This is a good book to read while you eat that cheese." I didn't.

I guess I have another goal now. Wouldn't it be great if a person could buy a book of fiction I've written at the grocery store? Then I could say I've bought both dog food and Dogwood.


Dale said...

congrats my man! That is way cool

expanding the terr. to King Soopers...

J Buzz

FreeCellPenguin said...

And I thought we got confusing with a Candy and a Connie! Well, if I see Dogwood at the Wal-Mart Superstore, I'll let you know you have arrived!


Anonymous said...

Nice blogsies, pappy..I'm impressed...Being an amazing blogger, myself, I can recognize brilliant blogging when I see it..