The Fabry Family

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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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Where We Are Now

After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Andrea and I made an impassioned plea to our medical insurance company this morning. We had been preparing for this hearing for weeks. It was another level of appeals, another chance to give our side of what has happened since 2007.

I gave a brief overview of the history of our case, what had happened in the house, and the different problems the children and adults encountered. Andrea followed up with the convincing evidence that blood tests prescribed by our primary care physician showed elevated levels of toxins in the blood. Our doctor didn’t understand the test results and didn’t know what to do with them, but the doctor in Arizona whom we are now seeing did. That primary care physician gave us a referral this current doctor in Arizona, but it was denied by the insurance company.

Andrea and I conferred before the hearing. We wouldn’t become emotional. We would simply present the facts. However, when she talked about the medical hell we’ve been through, her cradling Reagan in her arms until the wee hours of the night – after giving him the strongest drugs prescribed, she lost it. I don't blame her. It was an awful chapter of our lives.

The panel listening to our case listened attentively on the phone. They asked only one question about whether the doctor we were seeing was an actual medical doctor. Andrea had the details and gave them quickly. When I asked for a layman’s explanation of why we were being denied, the answer was that the treatment we needed was in the service area. However, we gave them a list of 30+ doctors we had seen over the past two years who had no idea what to do, or worse, performed invasive surgeries that weren’t helpful. It actually made the problem worse.

When it was over, Andrea and I just looked at each other.

“It brought everything back up,” Andrea said. “I thought it would be cathartic to tell them our story. It wasn’t.”

“Yeah,” I said. "But there is a bigger entity in this world than an insurance company."

I hope they’ll change their minds about our case, but I’m not holding my breath. I've been told they want us to simply give up. We're not. We've been through too much to give up now.


Sherry Parmelee said...

And all of us who are standing beside you praying won't give up, either. Thank you for sharing this with us, Chris.

Barbara J Fenn said...

I'm so sorry but I'm believing that God is bigger than this insurance company, we'll keep praying.
Barbara Fenn

Donna Litherland said...

I am finding out. God's wellfare department
., health dept and yes his insurance agency is bigger and better than our world can even begin to think of His is BEST hE WILL NOT FAIL YOU hE MAY EVEN GIVE YOU A MIRACLE
expect at least one!

Elenora Litherland

Amber said...

Chris, I have been following your story since last fall. Brother, I can't even begin to get my head around what you and your dear family have been through--the very lonely journey it has been. Just the thought of my one son who suffered with asthma as a baby is enough to make me break down even today. You have faced much worse. You are David and the insurance company is your Goliath. Don't give up. Whether God answers thru them or not, you're right, your God is bigger. He has overcome. You too will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of your testimony. May the victory be His and may you be greatly blessed for your faithfulness.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chris.

I am a hungarian christian living in Chicago since 2003. My English is not that good yet, but after five years of trying, now at least I can communicate.
I enjoy your show giving the fact, that I drive home exactly between two and three o'clock. But not just because of that. You are a kind man, always in a good mood, tempered and calm. It is Him in you, I know that.
Now, I understand that you are hungarian too. Is that true?
Do you speak Hungarian?
Have you ever been in Hungary?
Do you have any contacts with hungarian protestant christians?
I am a hungarian baptist. Kind of hungarian "southern baptist" as ortodoxy is concerned.
There are 13 thousand baptists in Hungary, and many of them, mainly the young ministers are praying for a great revival for their country. Not too many american christians know that.

About the health problem occured in your family, I join the thousands who are praying for you in this metter.
And I know, that everything that happens to us serves the glory of God and in the mean time our formation to the image of Christ. I know that you belive the same.
God bless you brother and may God bless your family with abundent health.
In Christ.
Janos Lukacs.

My hungarian blog:

drmack said...

Keeping you and your precious family in prayer, May the Lord grant you a great sense of His nearness and comfort. dm

Job 42:11 Then came to him all his brothers and sisters and all who had known him before, and ate bread with him in his house. And they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him. And each of them gave him a piece of money and a ring of gold.

Lori said...

Chris & Andrea,

I'm so sorry for all that you've been through. Thank you for being so open with your story. I know how hard and exhausting it can be to even talk about the experience. I actually found your blog while searching for answers to our own mold nightmare. My brother and I were exposed to toxic mold in an apartment we were renting in NC (about the same time of your 2nd exposure). We have pretty much lost everything including my precious little cat. We understand to some degree how difficult all this has been for you. We too are facing the multiple health problems,financial woes, and other hardships.

Please know that we are truly heart broken for your family. When one part of the body hurts the whole body hurts. You are in our prayers.

Even through all of our struggles we absolutely KNOW that God is good and He is bigger! I want to encourage your family to keep looking up and fix your eyes on Jesus like flint (as I know your are)- He is faithful. Romans 8:28

Because of Jesus, Lori

Nana Time said...

I did pray for the hearing yesterday.....hoping for the best...but thinking it would probably be denied....BUT God, is in charge and it may take a long while before you get the results you want but that doesn't mean He isn't working on your behalf.

I pray you and Andrea would have peace in your hearts in the meantime.

Nancy Guthrie said...

I can't imagine how hard and how frustrating this must be. Thank you for sharing it here.

Sherry said...

We feel your pain. Praying.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

You may answer my comment sending me an email or something...
Janos Lukacs
PS.I hope yours are well.

Anonymous said...

Just as the Lord never gives up on us, His family, you and Andrea can't give up on trying to get help for your family. We love you all. Betsy

Esther Taylor said...

The Resurrection Power is "In" both you and Andrea....I will add my name to those who are praying with and for you and the appeals. In the mean time....May the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills bless you with the money to compensate for the huge expenses of this "to your health" program.

august589 said...

Chris & Andrea:

BE TIGERS!!! My wife and I know how insurance companies love to deny benefits. DON'T GIVE UP!!! My wife kept after one for over two years and the benefits finally came. Keep pressing on! The Lord is with you!

Stacy said...

I had month of doctor telling me I was depressed and it turned out to be my gallbladder was leaking into my system, then I had a medical accident done to me during a hysterectomy the next 5 surgeries in 5 months. We are broke, and so I understand. The doctor did not pay any and the insurance not much. I was even told by our old church we should have :planned our money better to be prepared.

Major Bloodnok said...

Chris, Rest assured that people are praying (just look at the response here). You've been a blessing to me, and my family, and I know that many other people can say the same thing. I recently found a card you sent me after we did the LBG characters, and it made me smile. "More cowbell!"

I appreciate your openness about what your family is going through. I think there's no greater honor than praying for (and having someone pray for) you and your family. I look forward to the day when we can thank God for the answered prayers!

Until then, keep on keepin' on.