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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It’s been a rough few days at the New Cactus Compound and Detox Center. We moved into a new house with high expectations. That we would suddenly and gloriously be free of symptoms and we would skip through the poppies and giggle to health and freedom.

The nosebleeds returned with a vengeance yesterday. But we think it may have been caused by some ant traps we put out. One bathroom and a bedroom had these tiny ants crawling around. Andrea put Borax down but the ants put on skis. Megan put down Apple Cider Vinegar and I sprayed them with soapy water. I think the ants are getting the hint.

There are other niggling things that make life harder, but I won’t go into those. I just want you to think of what my friend wrote me after he heard the litany of angst in my recent email. He wrote back and said, “I wonder how God is going to use the ants?”

I had to think about that a minute. He added that he does not believe things like this happen without a purpose. God can even use ants for his glory.

At the same time that email came in, I was having send issues with another email. I wrote my friends in IL, the Parmelees, about a person I tried to reply to but my email was blocked. They looked into it and solved the problem.

This morning I got an email from Sherry saying she was so glad the email came to her, she’d been praying for the listener who wrote and wondered if we could put a request on the “Make a Difference” page on my website.

It struck me. God is using that problem to alert others about this dear lady who’s struggling.

I wonder how he will use the ants?


jenna said...

Reminds me of Corrie ten Boom's account in The Hiding Place of how God used the lice in the prisoners' favor. He really is sovereign and if we're yielded to His hands, nothing in life goes to waste.

Nana Time said...

I thought of exactly what Jenna wrote....we will stay tuned to see how God WILL use the ants :)

Sheryl Young said...

Hi Chris, I have been listening to your "mold journey" and just sent Andrea some info after my own experience with a similar ailment. But I wanted to address your "ant story" and see someone already used what I was going to tell you! Yes, the Corrie ten Boom story also came to my mind, just as "jenna" posted and "Donnamo" echoed! In case you don't know the whole story, Corrie and Betsy ten Boom's barracks in the concentration camp was infested with lice. Betsy told Corrie to be thankful for the lice, that God had a purpose. They soon found out that, because the prison guards would NOT enter a lice-infested barracks, they were allowed plenty of time to read from the Bible to the other prisoners!
God Bless you.

Marj said...

Hi Chris,
Justed wanted to tell you I sent a message to Andrea on her blog, I listen to your program as often as I can when home, if you see her blog you can see what we used to get rid of ants. And yes, God can use little things to bless us and others through us, I met you and Andrea years ago at Cedar Lake,IN when your family was much smaller and have enjoyed hearing you again on the radio. WMBI is my station when in IL, and WKES when in FL for the winter at Word of Life Conference center where I do volunteer work for the winter and go to conferences there.
Marj Warner

Sue said...

I had ants in my kitchen this spring and they grew to the other side of the house and into the bathroom 25 feet away from their origin. I was totally disturbed by them when they came into the bathroom and up the commode. UGH! We had a prayer time in our leadership bible study and no one else had anything to bring up so I mentioned my ants. Insignificant as they were, I know God said, pray about everything! So, I asked for prayer about them and someone told me about using dryer sheets. Well, between the dryer sheets and the prayers, God took away my ants completely. God asks me to come to Him and I did. He also asks me to do something about things also on earth, so dryer sheets and pest control all made them go away! By the way the pest control came after they were almost all gone and only 3 were seen after they came. So, my testimony is to say...PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING AND HE HEARS! Trust Him and tell everyone about what He can do....and I have told my story to many!