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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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Where We Are Now

After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Monday, October 25, 2010
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If I had written the book, What Women Tell Me, the chapters would have been, “That shirt really doesn’t go with that tie,” “Turn over, you’re snoring again,” and the ever-popular, “Stop picking at your ear, Dad.”

One of the axioms of life is that God does not waste our pain. If we allow him to use our weaknesses, struggles, and disappointments, he will do that. He also uses our tragedies and the times in life when we feel like we’re lower than a snake’s belly.

I met Anita Lustrea in 1984, I think. She liked the Chicago Cubs and knew a lot about music. She was one of our first babysitters for our first child, Erin.

Before Anita hosted Midday Connection, she produced the program while Andrea hosted. One day Andrea came home after a particularly difficult program about husbands and wives. When I asked her how it went, she said that Anita had come into the studio afterward, shaken.

As I read Anita’s book, What Women Tell Me, that scene came back to me. I knew a little about what was going on, but I didn’t have any idea the depth of the pain Anita went through. I think a lot of people are going to be helped by her honest, frank, and open dialogue.

I’m glad Anita wrote this book. It was a long, arduous climb both in writing and in dealing with the pain. But I don’t think God is going to waste it. I believe he wants to use it in many lives.

To learn more about the book and what went into writing it, visit Anita's website.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thanks to those of you who have been praying for little Ellie. She is now home from the hospital! Here's the latest from her father, Peter. Please continue to pray for a complete recovery for Ellie.

Just wanted to quickly let everyone know that we got out of the hospital today. We've been settling in, relaxing a little. She's been ok, but she has been crying a decent bit, which is unusual for her.

Thank you so much for everyone's prayers. Ellie has survived major brain
surgery again, and hopefully will be better for it. She hasn't had a seizure since the night of the surgery. That was eight days ago, which is her longest stretch since April!

We're holding our breath.

Thank you all,

Peter with Alana, Katie, and Ellie
Monday, October 18, 2010
If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Would it be in the mountains where the air is fresh and crisp every morning? Would it be beside the beach where you could walk in the sand and listen to the water lapping at the shoreline? Would it be somewhere in the mountains near a lake where you could fish all day and take long walks?

Some people are energized by the city. They love the lights and movement and the crush of people hurrying and scurrying about their busy little lives. Others want the solitude of a farm and to dig their hands into the earth.

I’ve been thinking about this question, particularly after a phone call I received today from a struggling writer who is, like me, not in the top tier of the publishing world. We can see the top tier because we look at the bestseller lists, but the dreams we had of writing “full time” have been just that, dreams. So we struggle and we hammer out words each day and we pray those words will somehow reach the intended audience.

He asked me, as someone who has been down the road further, some questions about how to approach his craft. I found the questions exhilarating and I spoke wisdom into his life. But he didn’t need the wise words as much as I did. Halfway through the conversation I realized that I needed to hear what I was saying more than he did.

Out of all the places in the world to live, I would not have chosen the desert. It’s hot. There are snakes and spiders. The cactus needles are sharp. It’s an unforgiving, inhospitable place to call home. I want deciduous trees. I want waterfalls. Instead, I have dust storms and tumbleweeds.

The more I thought about that, the image came to me of Jesus, hunched over a table and chair he was making in Nazareth. Dusty sandals and dirty feet. Dry and hot and not very hospitable. He left heaven for that. I don’t know how you picture heaven, but I don’t picture it like first century Israel. There was pain and death and human debris all around. A brutal government ruled. Liars and thieves populated the religious landscape. Prostitutes, beggars, lepers, the sick and hungry and lonely were all around. God gave up the comfort and bliss of heaven to come to that?

After the conversation with my friend, I again asked myself, “Where do you want to live?”

The answer came like a shout. Right here. Wherever God has placed me, with whatever duties he has assigned, with whatever people and problems that surround us. My desert reminds me that this is not all there is to life. If I were on an island, isolated from the pain and trouble in the world, I might be happy for a while, but I would not be serving where I am needed the most.

Where do I want to live? Lord, keep me from anything less than here and now.
Many of you have been praying for a little girl named Ellie. Here's an encouraging update on her condition, received yesterday, 10/17. Thanks for continuing to remember Ellie and her family in your prayers.

Hello friends,

Wanted to give everyone a quick update on Ellie. She's making progress, slowly returning to her normal self (or how she was before the surgery). We transferred from ICU to the sixth floor last Tuesday.

She's moving her left side with same mobility as before the surgery, which is great. It's the side most effected by the disconnection of her right brain. Her head and faced swelled tremendously following surgery, (giving her a black eye) but it's gone down enough for her to open both of her eyes. Most of the week, she's seemed to be in pain (she rarely cries, but just acts agitated) and that seems to be improving as she's started to smile a little and play with her blanket and favorite bear. She was sleeping almost non-stop and was generally lethargic, but that's started to improve.

We may soon be discharged! However, there are a few issues that she's still dealing with that may affect when we'll be able to go.

Ellie wouldn't be as far along without everyone's prayers. Thank you so much, all of you, and a special thanks to those who've organized the prayer schedules. You've been incredible!

Peter with Alana, Katie, and Ellie

Thursday, October 14, 2010
There’s a new magazine out and I’m in the debut issue! Slap my face with jam and tie me to an anthill! I’m sure Karen Kingsbury is honored to share the spotlight for a few moments.

Click on the cover and go to Page 14 to read the interview and hear a bit more about the story of Almost Heaven. Thanks for your support!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I mentioned on the program yesterday a little girl named Ellie and her family. She went through surgery yesterday. This family has been through the wringer. I believe Peter works with Campus Crusade. Here's an update from him and a picture of Ellie.

Hello friends,

I wanted to give you a quick update. As may have already heard, the doctor said Ellie's surgery went well yesterday, with no complications or surprises. Our subsequent excitement and relief was dampened a bit by a 20 minute seizure Ellie suffered at about 9:30 last night, followed immediately by a smaller seizure.

Our doctor said post-op seizures are 'not uncommon', and that it may be due to trauma from the surgery. There's a lot going on in her head right now, a lot of 'rewiring'. Hopefully, she won't get any more seizures. We're cautiously optimistic.

We are overwhelmed by how many people have been praying for us. How do you thank so many people in one simple email? It isn't remotely possible. Nonetheless, thank you.

We'll be at the hospital for another six to ten days, depending upon Ellie's progress.

With much love....
Sunday, October 10, 2010
For our final entry in the 40 Days of Prayer, I want you to read something from my friend, Robert Sutherland. I've appreciated his thoughts over the past few weeks. Here's his final entry.

Hi Chris,
Hope you are well, and the family.

Sorry about the latest discovery of mold. Don’t know what to say. Haven’t a clue what God is doing. Hate to drop a hit-and-run Bible bomb and say, “Don’t worry! God’s in control! And remember, God will use your pain to bless others. Gotta run! Buh-bye!”

One of my prayers for you is that God would kindly bring this season of pestilence in your family to a healthy end. And that all you have learned would benefit others.

* * * * * * * *

My daughter, Sarah, said something to me today that – as G. Campbell Morgan might say – arrested my thoughts.

She’s been praying for me to find a better job. Very kind of her.

Had a rough day at work today. Texted her about it, as compared to whined to her about it. Got an almost simultaneous reply: “Do you believe God will bring you a new job?”

As you know, the last thing any dad wants to do is discourage a beloved daughter – especially about spiritual truths.

Instead of simply saying “No,” I told her I believe God will work all things for my good, whether or not I lose my current job or God makes me the next Chris Fabry (without the mold, please).

I don’t recall the decade that I abandoned what I perceive to be the nonsense of “claiming” verses in order to persuade/intimidate God into doing my will, at the probable expense of receiving His perfect will.

I don’t recall the decade that I abandoned the certain nonsense of giving God suggestions as to how He could work things for my good – replete with step-by-step directions, helpful guidelines to follow and a timetable that would help Him keep me informed of His progress in accomplishing the tasks I set before Him, so I would not have to waste too much time blindly trusting Him.

I don’t recall the decade that my prayer life morphed into “Whatever, Lord.” No, not in the mega-Christian sense of absolute trust/faith/surrender. More along the lines of “I give up trying to figure out what to ask you to do.” Again, not with the most spiritual of attitudes. Not nihilistic hopelessness. Not angry frustration. Not a lack of faith that God really does answer my/our prayers.

More like, “Your ways are above my ways as the heavens are above the earth,” and I look forward to how you resolve the impossibilities I/we face in life.

(How DO people survive without God? It’s hard enough WITH His blessings?)

Sure, I ask for victory in battles with intransigent insurance companies, imperfect family members/coworkers/politicians and applying limited funds to my limitless needs/wants/desires.

Is it faith or foolishness to think I never have to pray again? That God loves me so much that He will accomplish good for me and through me to others whether or not I ever ask Him to?

At the risk of creating God in my image, my family – two wondrous daughters, two dedicated sons-in-law, two terrific grandsons and The Princess: my almost ten-year-old granddaughter – has taught me about the heart of God.

Primarily, no matter how much I love my family, He loves them more. My prayers for them? Mostly that God will express His love to them in convincing, gracious ways. No matter what.

Before my mom died a decade ago, few things made her as happy as a call from me or my girls. Our voices delighted her soul.

My dad will celebrate his 90th birthday on Christmas Eve. I call him at least three times a week. Does us both a world of good. We love to chat. About anything.

My daughter, Esther, vacillates between calling several times a day and calling every several days, but hearing her voice say, “Hi, Dad!” is the essence of joy.

The ringtone I use for the joyous calls from Sarah and The Princess is the voice of The Princess saying, “Grampa! Pick it up! It might be me!”

The Princess Ringtone

Perhaps only a parent or grandparent can fully understand how my heart leaps with joy when I hear my beloved grandchild’s voice at random times.

I don’t know how to put this, so bear with me.

I don’t care WHY my family calls me. The topics are far less important – even if the topics are VERY important – than the fact that they called me.

Contact with them revitalizes our relationship.

That’s where I am with prayer. I think/feel/believe God likes to hear the sound of my voice – even if the stuff I talk about with Him is comparatively insignificant compared to the “Lord, please save the life of my wife/husband/child/parent” prayers that ascend to the Lord every moment of every day from every corner of Earth.

Again, God is not a doting grandfather quick to overlook all our faults/sins/behavior. But He is delighted to hear us call upon Him in prayer. [See Proverbs 15:8]

Conversing with God is what I do … more than praying to/at God. Praying without ceasing is easier … as I habitually talk with God.

Back when such things mattered to me more, my “life verse” was that portion of I Samuel 7:12: “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

I still believe that with all my heart.
You probably do too.

But it’s easy to forget.

Thank you, Chris, for all you and your team do to bless listeners country-wide and world-wide. You are a blessing. Thanks for letting me pitch in; very kind of you, brother.

God says to pray in secret. In spite of that, may I pray for you publicly, please?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for all the witnesses in the Old Testament who knew you so well that they said you are “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.”

Thank you for how Jesus is the perfect example of compassion, grace, patience and sacrificial love.

Please forgive our sins and deliver us from evil.

Please be gracious to us. Please direct our paths and please glorify yourself through us.

Lord, we ask you to provide for Chris and his family. Please bring healing to Andrea and the kids.

Please glorify yourself as you deliver them from all that afflicts them. Please.

Please restore the years that mold and illness have taken from them.

Please give Chris favor … strength … and wisdom as he seeks to honor You through his writing and on the radio.

I pray that you will bless more people than he can imagine through his new book.

Lord, I thank you for Moody Broadcasting, Chris, his teammates, the stations that air his program … and all the people who use dollars dedicated to you … to make it all happen.

Lord, I pray that what we’ve begun during these 40 Days of Prayer would become a habit that endures from generation to generation in our families.

Thank you that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us.

Thank you for being delighted by our hearts and voices when we pray to you.

We love you, Lord.

Please forgive our unbelief.
And bless us, Lord.
For your glory and honor.

In Jesus’ name.


* * * * * * * *

Amen, Robert. Now let me turn the prayer back to you.

Father, thank you for the good heart you've given Robert. You've given him a lot of pain and heartache and difficulty. You know the struggle he had in loving his mom in her final days. You've seen his tears and his sins. And you love him even more than I do.

In your sovereign plan for his life, I pray you would give him an amazing week at his current job and renew his love for the people there. Prepare him for the next step. And providentially send a new task his way, a new job, or a redirection in the current one.

And give him peace in the midst of all of this. And joy. Don't bless him because he's the best Robert there is or because he is always kind, because he isn't. But he is your child and you love him. Show him the depth of your love today.

And for my other friends who have followed along, take the hurts, cares, difficulties and problems in life and turn them into something beautiful. Selfishly we would pray for all of that to be lifted, but we know it's there calling us closer to you, making us long for our eternal home.

Thank you for being who you are, Lord. We praise you for the gift you've given us in Jesus.

In his name we pray,
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thank you for going on this 40-day journey with us. Tomorrow, we’ll present one more blog from my friend, Robert. Today I want to encourage you to make a phone call or send a message at some point and let us know what God has been telling you over the past few weeks. Your perspective might encourage someone else. Our feedback number is 1 866 953-2279. Or you can email us at

Joni Eareckson Tada joined us Friday and here’s a message we received after the program:

Chris and Joni--

I'll type quickly because my darling 18-yr-old daughter is waiting for a drink. She has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, doesn't walk, talk, or feed herself, and still wears diapers. Had you told me all this before her birth, I would have thought she would lead a miserable, empty life. Instead her frequent smiles gladden our hearts every day. Of course, we would grab hold of a cure if there were one, but she is a great blessing to our family just as she is.

Thank you for this show,


I’m grateful for Susie and the love she has for her daughter. Those with special needs are a great blessing to those who care for them. Yes, there are difficulties and it’s a lot of work, but no one embodies the verses we’ve been looking at more than the people who tirelessly care for those who can’t care for themselves.

Perhaps today you want to read Philippians 2:1-11 and think of it in a different way. In what way has someone else shown you the love of Christ? How have they put your needs before their own?

If you think of someone as you go through the verses, be sure to call them or tell them how you feel.

God bless you today.

Friday, October 8, 2010
As we near the end of the 40 Days of Prayer, here are more responses from those who have been journeying with us through this time.

1. I've been trying to journal, doing some catching up. Reviewing day 12 I looked back again to my first prayer...still a good one, but now I want a better look at Jesus, to know Him better. I say I love Him, follow him, put Him first, want to be with Him always, and I think I mean it and try to do what I say--but how well do I know Him? How well can I describe Him to others, know how to follow?

(I'm hoping the answers to those questions are more clear today for you.)

2. Chris, you are so right about the power of listening. When I was ill for so long and really nobody understood my pain and suffering, I had my husband who listened and comforted me and really didn't try to "fix it." He just listened and always prayed for me. These are things about him I will never forget. It really takes the love of Christ to become that kind of listener.

3. Thank you for mentioning the care of widows and orphans. I believe that we as Christians have really dropped the ball in this area. I never really gave it much thought until I became not only a widow but an orphan myself 10 months ago. Now I look at so many things differently.

4. God is amazing and the fact that he died for me and everyone else is amazing. This is one of the most amazing facts I have learned in my short journey in faith. Trust in the Lord and the day will be much better with him than without him.

5. Thank you for your points about attitude. I really needed that today. I'm struggling with my attitude toward my mother and my sister, who are not, I believe, saved. There have been continual lies the past year circulated about me and other members of the family, all since my Dad passed away. Negativity can be felt when you walk in the door of my sister's house. How do I keep my attitude right towards them when they are like this? I have prayed about the situation and given it to God, for Him to work out...not me, but I feel stuck right now with what to do while waiting for the answer! I guess I need to be like Jesus like you said...have His attitude and not mine. Thank just answered my dilemma!

Now I want you to do something we haven't done. Read Philippians 2:1-11 and continue through verses 12 and 13.

Since we know that our salvation is a gift, what does "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" mean?

How does it make you feel that verse 13 says that God Himself is working in you?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thanks for going on this journey. I hope you feel like God has met you in some way here.

It’s time for some encouragement in prayer. It comes from my Facebook friend, Veronica. She tried to call in when we were discussing prayer stories but instead related it online. Here’s what she said:

When I was in college, I'd periodically spend a weekend with my Grandmother. Of course I always brought my laundry with me because it was free to wash at Grandma's.

One weekend I decided to leave the laundry behind so we could have more time to spend together and she wouldn't feel obligated to wash, dry & fold my mountain of clothes. Saturday evening she asked where my laundry was and I told her that I had left it at school.

She didn't say much but her facial expression and body language showed disappointment. When I inquired, she proceeded to explain that as she folded the clean clothes she prayed for me. When folding my socks, she'd ask the Lord to guide my feet; shirts she'd ask the Lord to protect my heart and help me to love Him and others more. When folding dress clothes, she'd pray for my studies and future. When folding undergarments she prayed for my purity and future husband/marriage. That day changed my life. I have no idea how many of these prayers were sent to the Lord on my behalf.

My Grandmother turned what is often viewed as a menial task into a time of prayer and blessing for her children and grandchildren. Who knew doing laundry could be the means of communion and conversation with the Lord?

Who knew, indeed. I take several things from this story. First, we can use any kind of task to draw us closer to God and to each other. God is there. He is worth spending time with. Prayer is powerful. Being faithful in prayer is such a gift to others. Remembering those who have prayed for us is a great gift as well.

Nothing is accomplished for God’s kingdom and his glory without prayer.


I’m so glad Veronica remembered her grandmother’s story. I saw on her Facebook status that she was cleaning her children’s room. How much you want to bet me she was praying for her kids as she cleaned up their toys?

Father, give me a vision for how much you want to draw me to yourself through prayer. Make me a person who not only folds laundry but prays for those who wear the clothes. Encourage us today through your steadfast love.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I want to share some responses to these devotions today. Continue reading Philippians 2:1-11 and writing down your responses. Also look at Hebrews 12:1-2 and if you didn't hear our hour with Mike Boyle yesterday on the program, listen to that hour.

If you want to let us know how God is using this time of prayer and devotion in your life, please let us hear from you.

1. Chris, we sing this song in my church called "I Call Your Name" and it is a song of prayer. The words say, "I call your name; Lord, You reply. You bring your kingdom and stand by my side. Giver of life, more than I need. Father, you're everything that's precious to me! There is no one like you, Lord, in all the earth." Our 40 days together have caused me to see Jesus in new ways. Now that I have fixed my eyes on Him, I don't want to let go.

I just started a 10-week Beth Moore's study, "Jesus, the One and Only" this week so I can go deeper. As I magnify Him, my problems have become so small that I don't think they are even problems anymore. Thank you, NRB! Thank you, Chris! Thank you, LORD! God bless you!

2. When I think on Jesus, I think about Him coming down from the comforts of Heaven, leaving all that He knew. He was willing to die on the cross, shed His blood for me to cover my sin and give me eternal life. I have a heart of thanks and gratitude, for who am I?? Not worthy in my eyes but so precious in His. Yes, Jesus, the name above all names!!

3. Hi Chris, I love reading your friend, Robert's, letters. They are so real and personal and depict, I think, every person looking for God in some way or another. I wanted to reiterate what he said about God's grace and how awesome it is. Over the last couple weeks, even while I read your blogs, I still felt a sort of disconnect from God, and with that came a sense of "unbelonging" to the church I've been with for the past 2 years. I think hearing crickets when you ask God a question, makes you wonder if you're really going somewhere and if you have a purpose. This morning I was in one of those moods that all women have at one time or other and just didn't feel like going to church. I was mad, but I wasn't sure at what, I was distressed, but I didn't know why. In the end, I decided to go. I was so happy that I did! God encouraged me today big time! Last year my husband and I were blessed greatly by the IRS (yes, the IRS!) and I remember feeling that this gift from God was sooo undeserved. The week before, my pastor had talked about possibly sending some money to friends/missionaries in Tanzania to help them build a storage for their maize (corn), and when I was blessed, I decided, how could I not bless forward. So I sent a "monetary seed" to Tanzania to help them build their storage. Today I got to meet the missionaries in person! And I got to see what we helped build! It was wonderful! Not just to see how they were blessed, but to know that it was as if God was telling me, "You're going down the right path! Just keep fighting that good fight of Faith!" It certainly restored that sense of purpose back in my life that I couldn't see. Even in the small things that we do, God sees them. And I think that God could have just said that I was being a big baby and knew my role already and He wasn't going to assure me, but He did anyways. Because I realized, like Robert, that God is nice. And He loves us abundantly. I'm 28 years old and I'm in love with God more and more as I learn about His grace and goodness. My whole view of God has changed in the last 2 years and this in essence has shaped my actions and character greatly!

4. I was bound by smoking for a lot of years, I could not stop on my own. It was torture. I was ugly, frustrated, and so discouraged when I failed. It was one minute, one hour and one day at a time. My eyes had to stay on Jesus. I had to think it was possible for me to be a "non-smoker." It was hard on me and harder on my family. But God is so good and faithful.

5. Fixing my eyes on Jesus..... When I was so very ill with lyme disease six years ago, if my eyes were not fixed on Him, looking to Him, thinking on Him or talking to Him, my symptoms would overtake me even to the point of suicide. But as I have gone through the healing process over the years I have gained strength, know where to turn for comfort and have learned I can trust wholly on Jesus, secure in His love and grace to get me through anything. Yet I do know that each and every day until I die or til His return, that the only direction I want to place my eyes is on Him, the author and finisher of my faith!

I pray these words will encourage you today, for whatever climb you are on. God is there and he cares more than you can imagine. God bless you today.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The only one who can exalt us is God. We can’t exalt ourselves. We can try, but we’ll always fail.

How does God exalt us? In ways we don’t expect. In ways we can’t understand.

In God’s economy, those who are “poor in spirit” are “blessed.” I’d rather have a big bank account, of course. But God’s blessings are so much more worth it than the temporal ones we can amass down here. Some of the most blessed people, some who have been exalted by God, don’t look like they’re exalted.

For example, look at Jesus. He didn’t look exalted at his birth. He didn’t look exalted when his family fled to Egypt. He didn’t look exalted taking the scourging and hanging on the cross. Yet, God says he has the name that is above every name.

If you humble yourself, God will exalt you in due time. If you are a servant, God will exalt you. He doesn’t explain HOW he will do that, but this is true. The first will be last and the last first. God sees all you’ve been through, sees all you’ve struggled with, and he knows your heart.

What are you doing today to exalt yourself? Stop. What are you doing to make sure you get on top of others? Stop. How are you striving/grasping after position and power? Stop. If you want to be great, serve. If you want to follow God wholeheartedly, humble yourself. Start with your family. Then your neighbors. (If you live near me, come pull my weeds.)

The most important thing you may do today probably won’t be in front of a lot of people. It will be what you choose to do alone, when you have the opportunity to serve, with no one looking, with nobody but God keeping an account.

God bless you as you serve in humility.
Monday, October 4, 2010
It’s time to pull these last 34 days together as we head into our last week of prayer. I wanted to share some of the messages we’ve received in the past few weeks from people who are following in the journey. Take this as part of our uniting together—what Paul talks about in the first few verses of Philippians 2.

Some are from folks who are struggling. Others have met God in a fresh way through these verses. I’m grateful for all of the feedback. But I can’t seem to get this one off my mind. Warning: If you’re a parent, this one is difficult to get through.

“I lost a daughter to meningitis when she was 8 years old. The first night she was hospitalized she was in horrible and excruciating pain, and was not given any pain relievers so they could find out what was wrong. Because it wasn't known if she was contagious, only one person could be in the room with her and could not leave the room. I stayed with her and she cried and banged her head and bloodied her wrists and ankles because she was in restraints. She begged me to take her out of there. There is no way I can describe the anguish I went through or all that she went through. But the next day she 'died,' was resuscitated and kept on life support until she died 6 days later. Since I was the only one allowed with her, I have felt like that suffering was meant for me. I have come to terms with it somewhat, but I don't understand how a child could suffer like that, for what reason. I totally believe in God and the precious blood of Jesus. She did too, when she was sick, she would ask me to pray for her.”

What do you say to a mother who has been through this experience? What do you do to alleviate the pain? The memories? The anguish. Only that mother knows what truly went on in that room. That mother, her daughter, and God himself.

I think he was there. He didn’t rescue them in that time, but he walked through that with them. Sounds a little trite to say it that way, and it would be, if not for the cross. If not for the submission that Jesus went through to reconcile us and glorify God.

I don’t pretend to have any answers for this mother who lives with this pain. Somehow, I don’t think she needs answers. She needs us. She needs others who will enter into that pain and take a little of it from her shoulders.

Would you pray for this mom today?

And think of those you may meet today who seem hardened or bitter or angry. Whose bedside have they come from? What hurts in the past have they experienced that made them the way they are?

Pray for them, too.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Robert Sutherland is back in touch … and sent another prayer blog. Wonder what he’s up to on this 33rd day of our 40 days of prayer?

Hi Chris. Hope you are well.

I know you want me to be honest with you. And I think you’re hoping that I’ll experience some epiphany … or a re-awakening … that will change my life and influence others at the same time. Me too. But that hasn’t happened. At least, not yet.

What has happened is this: I am far more aware of people who need and deserve prayer. Guys like the associate pastor of my church. His wife, Rebecca, is carrying their second child. Due in a few weeks. Doctors ran some kind of tests on Rebecca and the baby. There’s talk the child might have Down’s syndrome. These are dedicated, delightful people … who need prayer.

Then there’s the cashier at Wally World. In her 40s. Looks like she could run a marathon and bag groceries at the same time. Just had a heart attack. Her doctor said she shouldn’t lift more than three pounds … or endure stress. She needs prayer.

Met a man who pays $2,000 a month in child support and alimony. He doesn’t make enough anymore to maintain his obligation to his ex and their four kids. He’s going to tell his ex he can’t pay … and that she’ll have to get a job. If he doesn’t pay, he faces jail time. They need prayer. And they all need Jesus.

The wife of a friend is disabled. She needed to run an errand and drove herself. Wrecked the car. Ran into a ditch. They got the car fixed. Less than two weeks later, she needed to run an errand. Drove herself. Wrecked the car. Ran into a ditch. Again. She’s only 60 years old. He doesn’t know what to do. They need prayer.

Another friend had back surgery two weeks ago. It went well, thank God. He needs prayer for patience as he recovers.

Called another friend today. His son, Reuben, has Crone’s disease. Had surgery a few weeks ago. Reuben’s doing better. Not sure how to pray for them … except to praise God for the relief Reuben’s feeling.

Know of an unsaved man and woman who got a divorce after years in an unhappy marriage. They lived in the same home during what they called a “separation.” During that time both he and his wife dated other people. With the mother and daughter living in one part of the house and the father and son living in another part. Now, the man found someone else to marry. And on it goes. They need prayer.

Went for a two-day motorcycle ride in the Smoky Mountains not long ago. Rode a famous highway called “Deal’s Gap,” in Tennessee. 316 curves in 11 miles. Totally amazing. There’s a scenic overlook at the end of the road. We all stop there and talk about how much fun it was to scoot through the woods on such a twisty trail.

This time, it ended differently. A white pick-up truck with large tool boxes up and down both sides came racing down the road toward where we were all standing. Probably 20 of us. It looked like the truck lost its brakes because it didn’t slow down at all … tires screeching … the truck swerving from side to side.

The truck missed us all and zoomed into a tight turn 50 yards from us. We were surprised it didn’t crash.

A moment later a Tennessee State Trooper went by. No siren or blue lights, but obviously in pursuit of the truck.

Probably a half-mile from us, the truck crashed. Went off what I’d call a cliff … into the woods. The truck rolled and flipped and came to rest upside-down and facing in the direction from whence he came.

The truck had been stolen. The driver ran away into the woods.

But more people got away that day than just the driver. God spared dozens of people who could have been mowed down by a wacko whose only motivation was to run from the law. And probably God.

I wondered why God spared us … and the 100 or so bikes that are always on Deal’s Gap. And I wondered about all the families whose loved ones were not so fortunate.

I’ve been praying for the people left behind after husbands or wives … parents or children … neighbors or friends … were maimed or killed in one type of accident or another.

The same loving God who spared us loves them … as much or more than He loves those He spared on Tuesday.

My heart goes out to those who suffer that way. And I’m sorry. Somehow, I believe God grieves with them. And I know that death is worse for those left behind than for believers who suddenly find themselves in the presence of God.

So … I’m praying for the ones left behind. For comfort. Hope. Relief. And for the faith to forgive God for taking them too soon … or in such horrific ways.

God will be vindicated in the end. Either by meeting him face to face, or by believing that He is kind and good … compassionate and gracious … even when we don’t understand.

Anyway. That’s the stuff I’m praying about these days. Just wanted you to know.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I love that old commercial with Loretta Lynn--I think it was her, with her daughters, Patsy and Paggy (really Peggy, but pronounced Paggy) and the girls were in the kitchen saying, "I hayulped."

Here are some responses to the question of what helps you in your devotional life with prayer and Bible study:

‎1) I have a list, too. It's grouped in a form of: family (incl. extended), my church (incl., kids, teens, youth, families, ministers, intercessors, missionaries & ministries, incl. Chris Fabry & his show ;-), grieving families, singles. It takes me 30-50 min. to pray according to my list. I try to do it once a day; if I am too busy, I skip once in a while & pray for some of those crucial needs in my car. I update my list as needed. Some needs are crossed out with "Praise the Lord!"

2) I try to stay in touch with the people I am praying for. Their input adds fuel to my prayers. I remind my friends to pray for me, too; if I know that my friends are praying for me, I can't miss them, either.

3) I noticed that staying close with God adds a lot of fuel to my prayers. It's so natural to talk to God during the day & long for a meeting with Him on my knees... If I find myself doing something wrong, I repent right away. If I keep ignoring the Holy Spirit's convictions in my spirit, I notice that I lose the desire to pray. Then I revise myself and ask God to show me where I ignored His gentle voice...

I set the alarm on my watch to go off every hour during the day so I can meditate on scripture or say a short prayer.

Thanks for your wonderful topics of discussion! Love the show! I made a bulletin board with pictures of those I pray for. I see it first thing in the morning and last thing at night and God often puts the spotlight on one for the day that I need to contact or send a note to let them know I'm praying. My pictures includes missionaries, the baby we support through Holt, family members, friends, etc. When prayers are answered, I replace the picture, such as when we moved to our new home, the picture came down and was replaced by pics of former neighbors so we won't forget them!!

When people request prayer from me through email, I don't put it off. I pray, emailing my prayer back to them while it's fresh in my mind and I don't forget.

I too have pictures of my four grandchildren and my daughters and their husband on my dresser mirror. First thing I see in the morning and last thing at night. I surrender and lift them to the Lord, for their lives and salvation.

Your program has been a blessing to me, thanks for all that you do. May the Lord continue to guide and bless each person that is part of your program.

We are told to pray without ceasing, and the Lord has put in my heart the need to pray daily for the teenagers in our church. ... The youth Pastor gives me their names and any issues that need to be prayed for. I write them down on my computer's home page calendar as an "appointment" for the time when I get to work each morning.

I write one name per day, and the first thing I'll see each morning flashing on my screen will be that person’s name; this will turn my attention to stop and pray for him or her at that moment and throughout the day.

I also keep the same list with their prayer needs in my Bible as reminder during my devotional time. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

I hope some of these thoughts will help you today as you continue this prayer journey. Have a wonderful weekend and tune in tomorrow. My friend Robert Sutherland will be back with another thought-provoking letter.
Friday, October 1, 2010
We had some great calls yesterday talking about the “how” of prayer and bible study. Everything from the “five finger” prayer principle to the ACTS approach (see below) to prayer journals. If you didn’t hear it, go to and click on yesterday’s program to hear.

One of the themes of the hour was how much we get out of WRITING DOWN our prayers. When you write things down, you have a record of what was going on in your life, your head, your heart. Some surprising things will come out when you’re just “in the zone” with God. You’re not trying to impress anyone. You’re not trying to be anything but real, which is something God values. Plus, later on when you go back, you can see how God answered your prayers. So I highly recommend this daily journaling. So if you haven’t begun that practice yet, I urge you to do it. Even if you’re one of those people who feels like it’s just not your thing to write stuff down, go ahead and do it.

Here’s part of an email that came after the program about prayer. I wonder if you can identify with it:

For two years I commuted before sun up forty minutes. It became a very holy time for me. I never turned on the radio or did anything but be with the Lord, and drive, of course. I used the acronym ACTS to structure this time: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication - a plan I had heard of many times. The darkness helped me stay focused and forty minutes was always the perfect amount of time. Also, I was led to pray for each semi-trucker parked along the way at exits, probably catching a little sleep. Often I thought that I might be the only person who ever prayed for the safety, salvation, and life of some of those truckers.

I truly missed this time on weekends, school holidays, and in the summer, It always felt so right to get back to the routine, and so easy to have scheduled prayer time. I still miss it, since my life is now rearranged. It is the best memory of those two difficult years.

If you don’t have a regular time of prayer, schedule it. Show up. See what God does. And like we’ve been talking about on the program, begin the discipline of “listening” to God. Not just talking to him, but listening to him. Listening by reading scripture, being quiet before him, and asking him to speak.

We have ten days left in this time of prayer and “fixing our eyes on Jesus.” Let's make these the best ten days!

Read Philippians 2:1-11 again slowly. Listen to what God is telling you through this passage.

What changes do you want God to make in your life?

Do others see the humility, service to others, and love exhibited by Jesus?

Ask God to show you how to express that love to someone today.

And then, listen.