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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010
Robert Sutherland is back in touch … and sent another prayer blog. Wonder what he’s up to on this 33rd day of our 40 days of prayer?

Hi Chris. Hope you are well.

I know you want me to be honest with you. And I think you’re hoping that I’ll experience some epiphany … or a re-awakening … that will change my life and influence others at the same time. Me too. But that hasn’t happened. At least, not yet.

What has happened is this: I am far more aware of people who need and deserve prayer. Guys like the associate pastor of my church. His wife, Rebecca, is carrying their second child. Due in a few weeks. Doctors ran some kind of tests on Rebecca and the baby. There’s talk the child might have Down’s syndrome. These are dedicated, delightful people … who need prayer.

Then there’s the cashier at Wally World. In her 40s. Looks like she could run a marathon and bag groceries at the same time. Just had a heart attack. Her doctor said she shouldn’t lift more than three pounds … or endure stress. She needs prayer.

Met a man who pays $2,000 a month in child support and alimony. He doesn’t make enough anymore to maintain his obligation to his ex and their four kids. He’s going to tell his ex he can’t pay … and that she’ll have to get a job. If he doesn’t pay, he faces jail time. They need prayer. And they all need Jesus.

The wife of a friend is disabled. She needed to run an errand and drove herself. Wrecked the car. Ran into a ditch. They got the car fixed. Less than two weeks later, she needed to run an errand. Drove herself. Wrecked the car. Ran into a ditch. Again. She’s only 60 years old. He doesn’t know what to do. They need prayer.

Another friend had back surgery two weeks ago. It went well, thank God. He needs prayer for patience as he recovers.

Called another friend today. His son, Reuben, has Crone’s disease. Had surgery a few weeks ago. Reuben’s doing better. Not sure how to pray for them … except to praise God for the relief Reuben’s feeling.

Know of an unsaved man and woman who got a divorce after years in an unhappy marriage. They lived in the same home during what they called a “separation.” During that time both he and his wife dated other people. With the mother and daughter living in one part of the house and the father and son living in another part. Now, the man found someone else to marry. And on it goes. They need prayer.

Went for a two-day motorcycle ride in the Smoky Mountains not long ago. Rode a famous highway called “Deal’s Gap,” in Tennessee. 316 curves in 11 miles. Totally amazing. There’s a scenic overlook at the end of the road. We all stop there and talk about how much fun it was to scoot through the woods on such a twisty trail.

This time, it ended differently. A white pick-up truck with large tool boxes up and down both sides came racing down the road toward where we were all standing. Probably 20 of us. It looked like the truck lost its brakes because it didn’t slow down at all … tires screeching … the truck swerving from side to side.

The truck missed us all and zoomed into a tight turn 50 yards from us. We were surprised it didn’t crash.

A moment later a Tennessee State Trooper went by. No siren or blue lights, but obviously in pursuit of the truck.

Probably a half-mile from us, the truck crashed. Went off what I’d call a cliff … into the woods. The truck rolled and flipped and came to rest upside-down and facing in the direction from whence he came.

The truck had been stolen. The driver ran away into the woods.

But more people got away that day than just the driver. God spared dozens of people who could have been mowed down by a wacko whose only motivation was to run from the law. And probably God.

I wondered why God spared us … and the 100 or so bikes that are always on Deal’s Gap. And I wondered about all the families whose loved ones were not so fortunate.

I’ve been praying for the people left behind after husbands or wives … parents or children … neighbors or friends … were maimed or killed in one type of accident or another.

The same loving God who spared us loves them … as much or more than He loves those He spared on Tuesday.

My heart goes out to those who suffer that way. And I’m sorry. Somehow, I believe God grieves with them. And I know that death is worse for those left behind than for believers who suddenly find themselves in the presence of God.

So … I’m praying for the ones left behind. For comfort. Hope. Relief. And for the faith to forgive God for taking them too soon … or in such horrific ways.

God will be vindicated in the end. Either by meeting him face to face, or by believing that He is kind and good … compassionate and gracious … even when we don’t understand.

Anyway. That’s the stuff I’m praying about these days. Just wanted you to know.