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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Friday, September 23, 2011
I’m struck anew by how simple the Christian life is, how simple God makes it for us, but how complex it feels. From the first response we have to God’s call, to the offer of freedom and love, we have to choose whether or not to believe. Does he mean it? Will he do what he says? Will I trust him?

Faith is not a blind leap. Faith is resting in what is true no matter what. No matter the feeling or experience. In the day-to-day series of mountains we climb, with all of the uncertainties and financial/relational/spiritual pressures, we have to choose again and again. Will I trust God? Will I believe in his faithfulness? Will I rely on myself? Will I find something/someone else to trust that makes me feel better?

Without faith it’s impossible to please God. With faith, placed correctly, it’s impossible not to please him. Whatever is on my horizon that presses me toward unbelief and worry is actually a potential opportunity to please the one who made me. And the bigger uncertainty, the more reliance on him I can have.

When I come to the end of myself I catch a glimpse of the beginning of God at work. Today I choose to believe not in myself, but in him.


Katie Smith said...

Simple, pure, and true! With all the stress around us, access to the constant news that states what an awful state this world is in, the suffering, etc., there is only One truth, One stable force in a dark world. And that is our faith if Jesus Christ! That is the steady rock we can choose to cling to, no matter what. Thank you Chris, it doesn't have to be complicated!

S McLeod said...

I am a person of faith who struggles bad with life. I have not been to church in over a year because my heart has been hurt over and over and over again in a very short time. To make matters worse I moved to a new town to go to school, left my college aged kids in different towns too. For the first time as a single mom of 18 years I am an empty nester and when I moved to this town I was forced into homelessness by a family member, while still trying to succeed in school. Life keeps throwing wrenches into the mix for me, but God does still show me his faithfulness. This is something I needed to hear today because life is still giving me aggrivation. I was arrested in the summer and have a one year probation as of yesterday. If I break any traffic laws in this time they can throw me into jail for a year. I know the Bible is all full of stuff like this but that does not make it any easier to handle. Deppression is gaining control again.

"Whatever is on my horizon that presses me toward unbelief and worry is actually a potential opportunity to please the one who made me."

I will try to remember this so that I can continue through this semester which already is off to a really BAD start.

Thank you for your words, God's words.

"When I come to the end of myself I catch a glimpse of the beginning of God at work. Today I choose to believe not in myself, but in him."



sarah said...

beautifully stated.

Pam said...

Thank you for this...really needed to read this today.