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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Monday, September 19, 2011
I met a writer last Friday, Ann Voskamp, who has a very successful book, One Thousand Gifts. There is a reason it is successful, and I don’t think it’s because someone has branded her or she has a Facebook account or that the cover of the book is elegant. God honors content. He shows himself best in the simple beauty of truth told well.

Here is what she told me that most encouraged me. During the interview she related that her husband doesn’t read much other than the local farm newspaper and his Bible. But he built her a cabin on the edge of a cornfield. It’s a 10X10 space where she comes empty each evening and pours out her heart on the page.

I’m encouraged by that because the space where I do what I do is small, on the edge of the desert, at the back of the home we’re renting, in a place that is not holy or glitzy or glamorous. It’s plain and mean and hot when the sun beats against the outer wall.

Yet, in this space, I ask God to inhabit every day. And he does, because he has made his dwelling in me. Unbelievable. That God would become a man, the infinite in a small space. That God himself would suffer for me, all powerful Creator, bearing my guilt on two crossed beams.

I think God delights in using our small spaces. Small tasks. Small minds. When God looks our way he does not see how small the space, he only sees the possibility of what might happen in that space. The little boy’s lunch that fed a few thousand people. That’s what I have at my disposal every day.

So I’m trying, again, not to look at the small space I have been given, but at the big God who wants to inhabit it.

May Jesus inhabit the small spaces of your life today.


lujeanc said...

Thanks for your blog today. Small spaces. Meeting God is what I desire most. I heard the broadcast by Ann Voskamp and I was impressed with her humility. God has certainly used her and I want to order her book One Thousand Gifts. It would be a asset to our church library.

Cheryl said...

What great insight! Too often I want the big, glamorous thing but recently I journaled what I believe God was asking at the moment.

"What if all I want from you is the small thing? Would you still want that? Would it be enough?"

I admit, I had to take a deep breath and ask for forgiveness.

Wood chips from the wood pile said...


Cindy said...

Our family has coined a word, "Earpism." An Earpism occurs when you learn something new, and then within a day or so, you spot this word(or person, or place/event). (There is a long story behind how we came up with the name,but briefly it came about b/c I didn't know who Wyatt Earp was, and then for 7 days in a row I encounted his name!)
Earlier in the day I clicked on a Pinterest board that posted Ann Voskamp's book. I read her blog and LOVED it.
Then in the afternoon I was sitting at the computer listening to your interview with Cisco Cotto and I thought I would check out your blog. On your blog that day, you mentioned your interview with Ann Voskamp! An Earpism siting worthy of an email(complete with links) to all my family! Being the wordsmith that you are, I thought you would appreciate being a part of my "Earpism" yesterday!

Pam said...
