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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Some of you know I write fiction and nonfiction in addition to my radio/voice work. I’m expanding my horizons and have begun secretly collaborating with a certain computer company to come up with new technology that will aid marriages.

Specifically, this device will help in the following cases:

1. I’ve fallen out of love with my spouse.

2. My spouse does things that irritate me and I can’t stand it anymore.

3. My spouse is sick.

4. My spouse is not the same person I married.

5. I’m not happy in my marriage and I want to be happy.

6. I love my spouse, but I’ve met someone else I love more.

7. Marriage is too hard, I want to quit.

8. I wasn't prepared for all the pain and hardship.

9. I have no hope for my marriage.

The program is fully functional and available in a beta version. Our hopes are that married people who are experiencing any of the nine situations above will be able to move forward together rather than splitting up.

The new device will be called…

Drum roll, flashing lights, music up…

** ** ** The iDo. ** ** **

Smaller than all of the other “i” devices, actually invisible, the iDo, with the patented “iCommit” operating system, will help an individual stay with their current marital situation so that true happiness might be achieved in the long-run.

Patterned after painstaking integrated systems software research, the iDo uses the experience of couples who have been married for decades who have said it was worth the struggle to stay together and work through differences rather than running from the marriage.

The iDo is the most innovative technological breakthrough in history and is being offered FREE for a limited time. Simply use the voice activation program at your marriage ceremony and mean it. And when you experience any of the nine situations above, reboot the iDo through verbal or non-verbal recommitment to the original voice command. (For maximum effectiveness, use the iCommit program with God prior to using the iDo with your spouse.)

The new iDo. Good for your marriage. Good for your heart. And it takes no space on your hard drive.

(For a fictional look at this technology in action, read A Marriage Carol , a Christmas story for anyone who's ever fallen out of love.)


Pam Martin said...

LOL!! Love it!! I gotta have one of those...oh, wait! I already have one! Just need to use it more often. THanks for the laugh!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Chris. Almost perfect! (Sorry, the reference to "its'"(dragged your score down to 99.5%.)

Glad you and The Mrs. have hung in there. Especially her.


Anonymous said...

so funny-yet so true! Love it!

Alicia said...

LOL....looking forward to reading your new book!

SteveJr said...

Im feeling this alot. It seems like believers are allowing the culture to effect the way we live when in fact we should be effecting the culture. Only being effected by God. This not the case as we can so obviously tell. It is disheartening to hear the bleek way people nowadays people are living out their God given commitments. There is only few people i can personally look to when i desire the place of marriage. I only see the older ones no one my age prevailing in there commitment. Please talk more about this. I have no intentions of getting married and getting a divorce!

Anonymous said...

Chris, I heard you share this on the radio today . It's so cool I shared it on my facebook page. I think you should add a facebook like button to make it easier to share, and make it printable because I would love to get a copy. Thanks and God bless you!
Mary in West Palm Beach

Wendi said...

Hi chris,I love the picture of your family. Now I can have an image in my mind of you, when I listen to your program.
Tell me how it feels to have so many loving people arround you in your home. Is there a lot of talk? Do the little ones play and run all over the house? Do the girls get in disagreaments? Do the boys and girls get alone with each other?.
I come from a small family and they were not much talkers, in fact my brother could go up to three months no speaking to me,and not even responding to me when I l greed him good morning or good night.
My parents were very busy working and sometimes ( not always) I would not see them at all.But I treasured those days when we had breakfast together or took a ride or a trip.I still have a turtle broach my dad bough me in Colombia when I was tuelve. He, my mother, brother and I went for a trip to meet our relatives in there. On that ocasion we were visiting special mine in Bogota.We bouth it at an stand outside the mind.
I am fifty years old now.But each time I wear that broach I have such conforting feeling in me. I feel loved.
I always wanted a middle size family. Nevertheless, because a series of life circunstances providence has be that my dauther and I are all that is of it. Sometimes I wonder if she may feel lonely . One day she mention that it may be great to be part of a big family and to even share her room but I responded that I guess kids from big families envy the fact that she does not have to share her own space.
However, I try not to think about the fact that she is one year away from college and when that time will come to us, I will be very lonely. I which she would not go too far, but she wants to go far away from me. I don't say anything because I guess birds need to fly away from their nests.
But as I said it before, I try no to think about it. Presently I am treasuring being there for her and with her as much as I can. Even though she complainds that I talk too much or that I am too of a softy ( cheesy is what they call us now). Any way, Blessings and more blessings to you.

I love your program,
A friend in Naples Fl.