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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where was Batman when we needed him?

Theater 9 was the real world early Friday morning. And we wanted someone to combat evil. But when the shooter opened fire, there was no caped crusader willing to step off the screen and come to our aid. We wanted Batman or Spiderman or Captain America. We wanted the Hulk to spot James Holmes getting dressed in his outfit of death and to hop over and smash him.

Batman was on the screen. He wasn’t with us. That’s because Batman is made-up. Imaginary. He has no power over reality, just the fictional world of Gotham. He’s quite entertaining, but in the real world he’s not effective.

Imaginary heroes always let us down in the real world.

When something evil like this happens, our tendency is to ask, “Where was God?” Those who are antagonistic to the Almighty will say this proves he doesn’t exist. How could a good God allow the likes of James Holmes. They believe Batman and God are made in our own image. That both are imaginary.

I don’t know why God allowed that event any more than I understand why he allowed 9/11 or the Holocaust or the genocide in Rawanda or the shooting in Tucson last year. Or how Jerry Sandusky was allowed to abuse so many for so long. And anyone who has it all figured out is selling something you shouldn’t buy.

But here’s my theology of Theater 9.

We want a Superhero to make us feel safe and solve our problems. We want Superman, the man of steel, to swoop in and right the wrongs of the world. We want Spiderman to catch us just before we hit the pavement.

But we’ve settled for less than we need. We’re aiming too low. Superman is an aspirin. And we’re all dying. What we need is something more. Someone more. We need someone who can vanquish evil for good and not just put out fires. We need someone who will be with us at all times, not just when bad things happen.

Human inventions, whether it’s a superhero or religion, will always fall short because what we want is not what we need.


debbyrose said...

Such truth, and spoken so eloquently. I am going to read this to my children later. My 14 yr old has been really upset by this.

Debbie said...

Where was God? He could be seen in the lives of the believers there. Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. Many there even those who were not Christians lived out this passage of Scripture! They are the real heroes of Aurora... God's Word in action through the lives of every day heroes!

Kathleen Martin said...

Excellent blog Chris! I have to agree with John Eldridge, the world writes the story over and over again. The story of the gospel. We live in a fallen, evil world, bad things happen and we need a Savior. Superman, Spiderman, Batman, are those Christ like figures that people long for, it is written in our hearts, believer or not believers, the truth is there and it is continually written in Hollywood, children's books, etc. Different people, different plots, but it is all the same. That longing. The world needs to know their Savior, they need redemption and meaning. This world is not just happenstance, it is a real, living breathing spiritual place! He loves us so much that he gave us His one and only son so that we would not have to die in our sins and receive the punishment we deserve but we can be reconciled to a Holy God. And one day, HE WILL make all things right and all things new! Amen:) But until that time let's get the good news out there.

Pamela said...

Satan always peddles the counterfeit. The one true superhero is Jesus, and he conquered death and the grave to prove it.

Maureen Lange said...

Insightful-- and so true. . .a nation feeding on superhero distractions that are not only on the movie screens. A reminder that man IS man, God IS God--and no matter what costume they wear, they will never be our saviours.

If you haven't already found the testimony of a mother with her two daughters who survived the attack and already has a great blog going; its very worth the read and it now went viral with her testimony--which she put in clear perspective as one who came out of the fire. (She would be great to have on your show sometime!).

She sadly though, has been attacked by some who deride her for believing God is merciful and good in the midst of all this. Her blog is:

Thank you so much for your very-down-to-earth-yet-eyes-towards-heaven insights! Maureen

CJ said...

Excellent article!

CJ said...

Excellent article!

Anonymous said...

Excellent insight Brother. Continual Prayers going out for hurting family and friends in CO.