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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013
A couple of months ago I was on a radio program with another host. He said he was thinking about making the leap to Christian radio. His email to me today excitedly (and he was a little scared) said, "I'm finally taking the plunge. Any advice?"

Here's what I said:
So glad to hear you’re taking the leap. Yes, it’s scary, but the best things in life are hard. And this will be hard, but good.

I try not to give too much advice, but since you asked:

1. Be yourself. Don’t try to be Rush or Beck or anybody else. God uniquely created you. Glorify him with who you are.

2. Talk about what brings out your passion. If you deal with things you don’t care about, the listeners will know.

3. Avoid the gripe fest. People like talk radio because they feel like they can vent. Venting lets a lot off, but Christian radio is different. Always have a point to the venting, a place you’re taking listeners that redeems the rant. Obviously, this takes us back to the Scriptures.

4. Don’t lean on guests for everything. You could do all 3 hours every day with nothing but authors. Avoid that trap. Spend time with your listeners and tap into their perspectives.

5. Figure out now what success is. Is it ratings? Is it phone calls? For me, success is connection and can only be seen in the rearview, as you hear from people who will thank you for talking about things they relate to.

6. In the middle of all of your prep and stress and strain about 3 hours a day, the best thing you can do is cultivate your relationship with God.

That's my advice. What would you add?


Anonymous said...

Thought your comments were insightful because of your experience. Still, I wonder what really happens behind the scenes when you go off the air because of a technical glitch...and your guest fills the air. I mean there have to be panic times and you seem to keep such a cool head.

Mich D. said...

Learn to laugh at yourself and make a little mistake or two. Be flexible in case you may need to make a small or major change to your planned topic or issue for the day's program.

Always remember God is in control and is using YOU in this endeavor.

DM said...

In the mid-sixties I was invited to host a Women's Program on a local Christian radio station. Scared? Oh, yes. I depended "desperately" on Christ...NOT just for the sake of the Program, but for my daily life as a wife, mother, friend and broadcaster. I did this through reading His Word, praying and learning to live what Christ wanted. Lest this sound super-religious, I experienced the growing process like a lot genuine human Christians.

The first time I received a letter of negative criticism, it nearly blew me away. Then I heard another radio broadcaster, Theodore Epp, speak on accepting criticism. He advised laying the letter before me (today it would be email, etc.) and underline all words or sentences of negative criticism. Then read them aloud to the Lord, asking Him to open my awareness to how true this might be in me. Then write to the listener and thank him or her for their input. Period. Then move on being aware that there probably was some truth in what was said.

I followed Eps advice throughout many more years on national radio and in my home, church and among friends. Is it easy? No way, unless I first genuinely humble my self before Christ. While live on radio, I had to learn the same lesson of humbling myself and then watch God bring to the surface what He wanted revealed.

I also interviewed many people, always finding it fascinating to dig for ways to bring their opinions and lives to the surface.

Thank you....DM

Anonymous said...

Great advice. Christian radio is one of the highlights of my day. The idea is positivity with a focus on Christ and biblical wisdom. Thanks Chris and Moody radio.

Anonymous said...

Such good points. If there is no passion of the Lord...then it is just another show. It is the joy of why we go on.