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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Friday, January 2, 2009
I came to a conclusion today, not as some resolution I have made for 2009, but an awareness that I am at a point where I need to abandon the plan. I spoke to a group of unpublished writers a few weeks ago and my message to them was that their striving for this elusive goal of being published is really not about their book, them, or their plans. It’s not about my book and plans. It’s about what He wants to do to and through us.

So I have abandoned the sweet dreams I had about my career, my radio presence, how moving my writing can be, how much I want to affect others for the Kingdom. I have slipped the surly bonds of expectation about any of that. I have abandoned the good ship Christopher, and am now floating in the stream of the mercy and grace of God. Not swimming and striving, but floating. Being buoyed by a hand I cannot see, but I know is there.

I will still work at the tasks I am given with all my heart. I will still strive to become a better story-teller and interviewer and husband and father. But I have abandoned my own plan for what life should look like. For what happiness should be.

To some that will sound scary. To me, today, it feels like freedom.


Anonymous said...

I think that is exactly what God has been trying to tell me... but I have refused to give him my plans and talent. Thanks for leading the way so that others can follow. I love your show along with our kids. We homeschool so we can always listen to you after school is done.

Sherry Parmelee said...

Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives? Last year, by His speaking to me through a video called "Half Time," I arrived at the very place you're describing. My dreams were not as sweet or as numerous as yours--in fact, I'm not sure I actually had any left at that point--but I found myself understanding for the first time that the remainder of my years only made sense if committed fully to God's plans, not my own. And since then, surprisingly, the dreams have begun to return--but they're His dreams now, and they're more delightful than any I've ever known! So, scary? Oh, yes. Freeing? Unbelievably so! And I can tell you firsthand that there's absolutely no better way to live. :-)

Bless you, friend,


Anonymous said...

I always get stuck on this point: what is God's plan? I know about the great commission & the cultural mandate - but that is so generalized. What does that mean for today? How do I use my time? Is it just continuing in my present circumstances & accepting what happens - que sera, sera? That somehow doesn't feel right either. Any ideas, thoughts, etc? I'd appreciate help.

Chris Fabry said...

I think this is where faith comes in. We're not just given a list of things to accomplish in the Christian life, it's more like breathing and watching God invade our lives.

Anonymous said...

Just happened to hear your "house situation" & was stunned because the house across the street, which had been vacant for 8 years, due to the entire house being over run with mold (which you could visibly see)was just bought by a young couple with a new baby. What some unscrupulous developer did was fix it up by putting new dry wall over the mold to make it look like new. When I saw what was happening, I called our city officials, OSHA,& HUD, and NO ONE would do anything, because it is private property. My city official actually told me that "a little bleach would solve the problem & there is NO Scientific evidence that mold hurts anything". When the new couple moved in, I introduced myself & asked them if they had any idea how extensive the mold was. He said he knew it had mold,& that's why they got such a good deal He disgarded my concerns, because he thinks that if it was as bad as I said, it would have raised its ugly head by now (within 1 month of moving in). After hearing a portion of your story today, I am really concerned for this family. I will pray for you (& them) as well.

Anonymous said...

God wants us to surrender our goals, our needs, and our desires to him. No matter how long we've been a believer, it is one of the most difficult things to do. Blessings to you on your 'journey' with your family.

Taylor said...

I think what is important is to keep your eyes focused on Christ and not others or what they are doing or what the world around you wants or accepts, but rather what God word says. Be open to listening for His voice and His spirit and don't say no to anything He requests, but at the least considered it. Constantly review what you have been told is "truth" and make sure it lines up with God's word, if it doesn't - no matter how hard it is change it, little, by little again keeping your focus on Christ and not what others would think. There is no greater joy than continuing to say "yes" to the Lord no matter how small or big - as these are pieces of a puzzle that form a bigger picture that He has seen. Chris - I love your radio are real and authentic and that is refreshing.

Major Bloodnok said...

I've been struggling with this very point for a long time now- and I'm not sure how to do it. I had some "success" as a writer for a couple years and thought this was the direction God was leading me, but when I tried to set it up as a full time gig the bottom fell out and my family has struggled. In the last two years I've tried to be led, and submit to the will of God, even though I'm not seeing clearly what it is. I find myself wrestling with God, rather than submitting to him.
In over 30 years of being a Christian this is the hardest thing I've ever faced. Right now we're living by the grace of God and my family, and I'd love to be able to cut out the family part (self sufficiency).
Still, every day I see reminders of God's promise that His grace is sufficient, and every day I try to "make something happen." I know I can't sit back and let God rain manna on us, but like the children of Israel so long ago, I can be hard-hearted and hard-headed too.
Thanks for the inspiration, Chris. I hope to follow your example. I believe God will honor that attitude. And through Him we can do all things. Even endure!


Susie said...

So glad to read of the positive communication with the mortgage company. Praying with you that God will make a way where there seems to be no way....
Blessings for the new year as we all look ahead to see how God will lead us down new roads this year.

Patrick said...

I praise God for you and your words. I too needed to hear that. Sometimes I look back and see missed moments with my family and friends because of the "work" I was doing. My best move is to stay very close to my Lord, let Him be Himself in and through me, and use me according to my design and His purpose.

Sondra McCarty said...

Thanks Chris,
Your comments are always very timely for me and this one was especially. My 90 year old mother in law has lived with us 4 years and my plans for and exciting "empty nest" have certainly been turned upside down. Perhaps I need to take your advise and "float" for awhile.
Blessings, Sondra McCarty

Anonymous said...

We're in the same place....spiritually speaking. Here we are, empty nesters, but a failed business,virtually no money in the bank *but by the Grace of God* - not exactly how we planned it, but evidently how He planned it. His Grace is truly sufficient and He is creating (molding, if you will allow me)His testimony, His story, living by faith - sola fide.

Terry said...

My New Year's resolution has been to ponder, pray & fast at the crossroads of my plans vs. God's. My part-time career during a full-time life of marriage, family & 40 hr/wk. job was put on hold after a divorce. Every personal dream needed to wait for the children to be on their own & retirement from the job that sustained us. 14 years later I got my turn. I invested in school for a State License in pursuit of my renewed plans. I always felt that God would bless my patience with the revival of the business that helped me to benefit others' with my skills. I'd felt in my heart of hearts that God had allowed the tiniest of hopes to remain alive to encourage me to remain faithful until my time would come. With seeming all "green lights" for progressing with my plans ... after 2 years of delays it now seems that God wants me to put my plans to rest & watch for opennings that will serve Him better. How "odd" to find I'm not alone. These times we live in appear to have God's alternatives written all over them. It's humbling to see so many willing to let go of what makes sense to them in favor of His Overall Purposes. Thank you for helping to bring this to light in my life. God Bless You in Your Faithfulness & Humility.