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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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Where We Are Now

After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Here it is, my new broadcast home, in a camper in front of the home we vacated in October. This is the Fabry International Mobile Broadcasting Network. Never thought I'd be putting these pictures up. Never thought my wife and most kids would be 800 miles away while this happened. Never thought I would need to level my CD burner because I'm broadcasting downhill. But here we are. Notice the propane tanks on the front. If I get some really nasty callers, those are going to light up. Also, if you look closely, you can see the phone line run in through a window. This is just the clothes I wear to get the studio ready. I always wear a suit and tie when I do the show. Enjoy the pics taken by my neighbor, Becky.

Those pine trees are really pretty this time of year. And you see the amount of sunshine we get, even in the winter.

Here is a profile of the camper, donated for this use by my friend, Jim. He is from Arkansas so I found a dead deer in the back of the camper.

Time to slip the surly bonds of my casual outfit and get dressed for the program. Thanks for your support.


Sherry Parmelee said...

Now THOSE pictures are definitely worth a thousand words EACH!! Thanks for the glimpse of your slightly sloping setup! :-D

Susie said...

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are... never fit more perfectly than here. You CAN do all things through Christ who gives you strength!! Praise God for His provision. To God be the glory!!!

Anonymous said...

love the pics, chris!
when are ya gonna move that van down by the river?

Taylor said...

Glad to see you can find the humor in all this! You will enjoy looking back at this down the road. Thanks for being such a good sport and making lemonade out of lemons!