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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Devotion 1.

I don’t know if you’ve ever studied the Bible. To some this will seem elementary. To others it will be a new challenge. I hope the next 40 days will help open your eyes to some wonderful things. Right now, ask God to open your eyes, open your heart, and open your mind to his word. Ask him to help you fix your eyes on Jesus.

1. Your Bible may have an introduction to Philippians. The author. The audience. The reason the letter was written. Read any introductory remarks you have. Then go to Philippians 2 and read verses 1-11.

2. If you have a journal, a piece of paper will do, jot down a prayer taken from this passage. Take the first four verses and rewrite them as a prayer. For example, you might pray, "Burn away the selfishness and me-first attitude that I have about life." Journal that prayer.

3. When you’re finished writing out your prayer, (and don't feel like you have to get everything in there) re-read all 11 verses and meditate on them for a few moments. Then read the prayer again to God from the heart.

4. Record anything else you pick up from a reading of the entire text. General insights. Questions. Things to contemplate. Perhaps there's someone you want to pray for or someone who comes to mind as you read the verses. Don't let that deter you. Write the name down.

Remember to join us on Chris Fabry Live as we talk about these things today. If you want to write some insights down and share, do so here on the blog and you might encourage someone else that way.

Fix your eyes on Jesus. Imitate his life and love.

God bless you.


Nana Time said...

I'm on board!

mary messamore said...

Thanks for sugesting reading the intro to the text. This is my take away: The immediate circumstances surronding a believer are not the factors which should determin his attitude toward life. I think of the wittness I could be if I choose to live by this statement. This could completely transform the church. Mary Messamore

A Chosen Vessel said...

I am excited about this 40day prayer. I actually just finished teaching this letter that Paul had written to our adult Sunday School Class. What an awesome reminder to decrease self and operate under the authority of God. Thank you for the implementation. In His Service, Cindy Williams

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great show today I could listen to Donald Cole all day long. He brings a Grace and seasoning to the Word of God like a good BBQ with a secret sauce. MMMMMM Good!!! He is truly a blessing to the Lord and I miss him not being on Moody anymore. Please have him back othen and say hi to the Coles for us. We are praying for his granddaughter. We are also on board for the 40 days...
Vrrooooooom!!! Lets get those Prayer Warriors & Intercessors warmed up and on the go! What a great monthe to start this...
Sept 3rd is my Spiritual BD and I will be 32yrs young in the Lord. The other # is just a sign post till I got to Yeshua and His saving Grace while a Marine. Wow He is great to travel with and what a Guide He sent us to show us the way. The last two years I have been studying about Prayer..... Reading books about it... asking the lord about it... looking to see what the Word says about it etc., So this is perfect timing to have 40 days of prayer! Keep up the great shows. I loved the show the other day when you had Did Dobson on and he was talking about Glen Beck alias the Mormon...the one who is at least doing something! Maybe we as so called by our definitions "true" believers in Christ will awake and get out of beds with the world and finally do something. Golly if Glen, can we surely can...(O:"} God Bless you and yours...David S.

Anonymous said...

Humilty & obedience are counter-cultural in America these days. What a wonderful example for followers of Christ in showing a difference with the "attitude of Christ"; it's not about us but about Jesus our Lord and Savior!

MM said...

I love this passage and the thought of the next 40 days. Honestly, a little fearful because asking God to make me more like Jesus opens the door to humiliation(not my favorite thing). But if it brings Him glory (and I know he will stay with me through whatever He has in store)this may be an answer to my summer prayer to know Him more deeply. Okay I'm in. Hold on tight to my hand, Lord!

Anonymous said...

V. 3 "be humble thinking of others as better than yourselves" is a struggle for me. I had a difficult childhood and have believed everyone is better than me, that I am nothing. It was a miserable existance and led me to depression. It is only recently that I have been fighting those thoughts/ beliefs, yet now I see this verse and wonder what is the answer. Have I been right to believe I am nothing/ worthless and others are better than me. Is this what this verse means or is this a scued perspective?

Chris Fabry said...

I want to deal with your question on the program today. It's a good one. Are we "worms?" Does God see us as termites or are we his wonderful creations? I can see why it's easy for you to think others are better than you, but that's not what this is talking about. It's not about a comparison. More during the program if you can hear it.