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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010
Devotion #4

I hope your weekend is off to a good start. On this Saturday edition of the devotion, I want you to read a note I received from a friend of mine, after I told him about what we’re doing with these 40 days of prayer. His name is Robert Sutherland. He’s a good friend. Has been for a long time. His thoughts are included below. I’d like you to read them prayerfully.

Before you do, re-read Philippians 2:1-11.

Focus on the clause, “if any fellowship with the Spirit….”

What does “Fellowship with the Spirit” mean?

Have you had experience with fellowship with the spirit? If so, what happened?

Spend some time thanking God for the Holy Spirit and the benefits we have, not only for the person of Christ and his sacrifice for us, but also the gift of the Spirit. Write out your thoughts and your prayer.

* * * * * * * *


I heard you were doing a “40 Days of Prayer” thing on your program. Made me think...

Sorry, buddy. The days are long gone when I’d pray for 40 days in a row. Now it’s more like I pray every 40 days.

You must not have an iPhone. The little sliver of time I used to toss at God in the morning has been consumed by reading e-mail and responding to Instant Messages. Then I check the news to see which countries opened fire on the other overnight. Finally, I listen to traffic reports to hear which of the roads I take to work are hopelessly gridlocked. Who has time to pray?

OK. Maybe I do pray. But, it’s “unofficial.” Like yesterday, when I drove 150 miles to take my dad home from dialysis … and to spend the weekend caring for him. Just as I arrived, my car’s CHECK ENGINE light came on. Not terribly surprising … the car has 313,000 miles on it. So I prayed: “Please God, not the Check Engine light! Not now!” I don’t know about your world, but in mine that counts as prayer.

Then there’s the: “Lord, the mortgage is due again.” As if God needed to be informed that I’m short again. I could probably get credit for all my “God, please let me spend more time with my grandchildren” requests.

Y’know, come to think of it. I HAVE prayed every day for the past 40 days. Especially if you count all the times I’ve prayed about my job.

I hate to tell you this, Chris. I don’t want to discourage you. And I don’t want you to go all GOSPEL on me … but my problems don’t compare to all the stuff God has to deal with these days.

I mean, really. Have you heard about the floods in Pakistan? The nuclear reactor in Iraq? The troubles in Israel? The war in Afghanistan? And … last but not least … the economy?

Sorry, but my measly little whining about cars or work or being lonely or bills just don’t compare.

But I read the Philippians passage anyway. That part about considering others as more important than myself hit me. Again.

My dad is 89. He isn’t terribly concerned with washing his hands all the time. This morning, he kindly and lovingly made me some toast. Dad took the bread out of the bag, put it in the toaster and buttered it when it was done. Then he put it on a plate and served it to me.

Sorry, but I wondered how many zillion germs were dancing around on the toast. So I silently prayed: “Lord, help me be thankful for my dad’s kindness. And please protect me.” Then, I enjoyed my father’s gift. With a peace that passes understanding. And gratitude for my time with my dad.

I think I’m gonna try this 40 Days of Prayer thing with you, Chris. Might as well pray. It’s gotta be better than merely worrying out loud.

I’ll let you know how it goes.



Anonymous said...

Hi Chris, and Robert also.
I am glad you are doing the 40 day prayer, my daughter is with me on this.
I can relate to what Robert says so much part of my life I also wondered if it really matters to pray. But I realized this morning if I can explain myself, is that God is allmighty and he can take care of mine and the worlds problems all by himself, but the fact that he wants to include me in caring about the things that he cares and maybe just to watch him do His work, is amazing to me. When He invites us to pray he just wants our company because he delights in our union with his Son and our fellowship with the Spirit. As we see God working through our (Jesus and ours) prayers we get encouraged, we start to care for others and forget ourselves. And we see this happens we realize that there are others united with Christ doing the same for us.

Thank you Chris for all you do, you have been a great companion at work for the past 4 years.

God bless you.

Brad Bloomster said...

As I read Philippians 2 this morning, I was captured by the words "very nature" in verses 6 and 7. As I meditated on this, and read the commentary below, I realized the following more clearly.
"God-likeness, contrary to common understanding, did not mean for Christ to be a 'grasping','seizing' being as it would for 'gods' and 'lords' whom the Philippians had previously known; it was not 'something to be seized upon to his advantage,' which would be the normal expectattion of lordly power -and the nadir of selfishness. Rather, his 'equality with God' found its truest expression when He emptied himself."
(from Gracepoint Devotions)
Unlike our ultimate enemy Satan, who wasn't content to be with God, he wanted to be lord over even God, Jesus was in his "very nature" God, and He was, therefore, compelled and willing to take on the "very nature of a servant," that we all might be saved.
Satan was exposed for who he really was in his rebellion against God. Jesus, on the other hand, was revealed for who He really is, in his not grasping for power over others, but by his willingness to become like, live with, and compassionately serve others. And He served to the point of ultimate sacrifice in bearing our sins on the cross in the cruelist crucifixion.
Paul urges the Philippians, and us today as well, to have that same attitude and very nature as Christ. The mind of Christ - the entire nature of Christ - is not to take advantage of others for His own personal gain, but self-giving for the sake of others.
As mortal beings, created not the creator, that is not our "very nature." Only as we are born again and made new in Christ can we begin to take on this "very nature" of God. God must do what only He can do in imarting Christ's "very nature" into us. And we must do what only we can do to partner with Christ in working out the complete transformation within us.
Paul goes on to say in Philippians 2:12-13b,
"...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose."
May God have His way in us to transform our minds and our "very nature" to be like Jesus Christ our Lord, "to the glory of God the Father!

Brad Bloomster, Austintown, OH

Unknown said...

To futher enhance the impact of philippians 2:1-11 reflect on psalm 46:4 "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God...". Spurgeon's Treasury of David commentary and/or M Henry's complete commentary will be very insightful. Isn't it amazing how God's Word is so intricately woven? A divine symphony! Gary W - Lincoln IL

Tiffany said...

Good stuff!