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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010
There are some days that defy description. Friday was one of those days for our family. We’ve been going through another mold battle. I won’t go into detail, but this one is serious. It’s more than a scare.

That this would happen now is unbelievable to me because it feels like warfare. And the enemy would like nothing better than to get us to run or get us to back down from what we’re doing.

I believe people are gaining freedom. I think people are leaning on God like never before. I know I am. Some of the projects I’ve worked on and am working on seem to me like things God wants to use in others’ lives.

Instead of backing down, we are going full speed ahead and we would appreciate your prayers. God is bigger than mold. God is bigger than the enemy who wants to thwart us. And God can answer our prayers. If you think of our family this weekend, we would appreciate your intercession. If we ever needed it in the last two years, it’s now. Thank you.

Today, I want to continue with an email from a friend of mine, Robert Sutherland. Here is what he wrote me recently about this 40 days of prayer. I pray his words will bless you today.

* * * * * * * *

Hi. Hope you are well.

God has been SO much like God to me the past few days.

I love him.

I had a bad week. My boss told me that I didn’t have the three-day weekend off, even though that was the deal. For the first time in years, I actually made plans to get away for a couple of days.

But, it didn’t take long to change my plans and change my attitude. I am thankful for my job, even when it’s inconvenient.

A couple of days later, I had to deal with deep-rooted unforgiveness I have toward another person. I totally failed. Expressed ungodly sentiments and – sorry – didn’t really care. Bitterness does that.

A Christian friend sent me a note and dropped a Bible bomb on me for what I said. No, “Hi, how are you?” or “Having a bad day?” Just a Bible verse to tell me I had been found guilty of shooting my mouth off and a copy of the Scripture verse to prove it was a sin.

I was wrong. A friend corrected me. The way s/he believed s/he should correct me. But it was so unlike God. In my humble opinion.

I say that because I have learned one thing about God in the past 35 years. It’s a biggie. Ready?

God is nice. So few people get that.

I sinned. Didn’t repent or confess it. Not sure I have even today. Did God whack me around until I realized that He loves me? Don’t laugh. That’s how we pray for God to straighten sinners out, isn’t it?

“Dear God,
My kid is on the wrong path. Please crush him/her and make him/her miserable until s/he realizes how much you love him/her.

Know what God did for me the day I screwed up? He paid my mortgage from the most unexpected source ever: an unsaved friend. I helped my friend get a contract for his business. He gave me a $500 “finder’s fee,” totally out of the blue. Enough to pay my house payment. Told him I was just being a friend and that he didn’t owe me anything, but he absolutely insisted.


When I got back to the house, I looked at the check and I dropped to my knees – right there, all alone in my kitchen. I just could not believe how gracious God was being to me through my friend. But unbelief is the root of so many of my issues with God.

I didn’t tell you, but I’ve been doing battle with an insurance company that did me wrong. I paid a payment on time and had abundant proof they cashed my check … but this giant insurance conglomerate canceled the policy anyway. When I called to object, I just got the run-around. Their error was going to cost me thousands of dollars.

To make a long story short, I got a letter from the insurance company about an hour ago. Before I opened it, I prayed.

I confessed that I had no one to fight for me but God. The 28 pages of documentation I sent Goliath (and the copy delivered to my state’s insurance commissioner) presented my case, but I knew God was my only true hope. As the Proverb says, “The horse is prepared for battle, but victory belongs to the Lord.”

I opened the letter. Goliath apologized for the mistake and reinstated the policy.


God gave me victory. And I’m grateful. Told Him so in prayer.

So, that’s where I am today. A sinner … and a recipient of grace that far exceeds what I deserve. As is the case with all grace, I suppose.

As I pray now, I am almost silent before Him. Without a doubt, I am loved. Even when I don’t deserve it.

And I know … even though I am a man of unclean lips … there is a God who will provide for me … and who cares about me. He will forgive my sins … deliver me from evil … and prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

May I say something to your listeners and readers, please?

You cannot earn the love of God. Jesus did that for us and “it is finished.” Don’t give up on God, even if you think He’s given up on you. Make Psalm 23 your prayer. Or Psalm 34. Read it to God. Pour out your heart to Him.

And let Chris know how God works things out for you, OK?
Not *if* God works them out. WHEN God works them out.

Blessings to you … dear one, loved of God.


noma said...

Whoever this Robert is....he sounds like a good thinker and writer. I wonder what he does for a living.

Bethany said...

I love this letter. It's making me laugh and cry because it's so honest and true.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
I love reading your friend, Robert's, letters. They are so real and personal and depict, I think, every person looking for God in some way or another. I wanted to reiterate what he said about God's grace and how awesome it is. Over the last couple weeks, even while I read your blogs, I still felt a sort of disconnect from God, and with that came a sense of "unbelonging" to the church I've been with for the past 2 years. I think hearing crickets when you ask God a question, makes you wonder if you're really going somewhere and if you have a purpose. This morning I was in one of those moods that all women have at one time or other and just didn't feel like going to church. I was mad, but I wasn't sure at what, I was distressed, but I didn't know why. In the end, I decided to go. I was so happy that I did! God encouraged me today big time! Last year my husband and I were blessed greatly by the IRS (yes, the IRS!) and I remember feeling that this gift from God was sooo undeserved. THe week before, my pastor had talked about possibly sending some money to friends/missionaries in Tanzania to help them build a storage for their maize (corn), and when I was blessed, I decided, how could I not bless forward. So I sent a "monetary seed" to Tanzania to help them build their storage. Today I got to meet the missionaries in person! And I got to see what we helped build! It was wonderful! Not just to see how they were blessed, but to know that it was as if God was telling me, "You're going down the right path! Just keep fighting that good fight of Faith!" It certainly restored that sense of purpose back in my life that I couldn't see. Even in the small things that we do, God sees them. And I think that God could of just said that I was being a big baby and knew my role already and He wasn't going to assure me, but He did anyways. Because I realized, like Robert, that God is nice. And He loves us abudantly. I'm 28 years old and I'm in love with God more and more as I learn about His grace and goodness. My whole view of God has changed in the last 2 years and this in essence has shaped my actions and character greatly! Thanks, Erika

Tiffany said...

This is really good.
Praying for your family.