The Fabry Family

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Chris Fabry
Married to Andrea since 1982. We have 9 children together and none apart. Our dog's name is Tebow.
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Where We Are Now

After finding and remediating mold twice in our Colorado home, we abandoned ship in October 2008. Because of the high levels of exposure, our entire family was affected. After months of seeing different specialists for all of the problems, we came to Arizona to begin comprehensive treatment to rid our bodies of the toxic buildup. In August 2009 we moved into a larger home, four bedrooms, south of Tucson, north of Mexico. I am doing my daily radio program/ writing from that location. Thanks for praying for us. We really feel it.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
We had some good news yesterday afternoon when the toxicology report came back. We tested 6 kids and Andrea for the presence of stachybotrys in their systems. This kind of mold causes cancer and many other maladies. Only two of the children had levels of the mycotoxins for stachy and those were at small levels. We think we will be able to help detoxify them without going to Arizona and a doctor there who specializes in this.

That, coupled with the report about the house, gives us hope that we may be able to bring it back to "habitable," but probably not for us. The cause of this recurrence may be trace elements of mold that the kids and Andrea are more susceptible to because of their huge exposure in the last 17 months. It's kind of like an allergic reaction to some kind of oil--you only have to cook something close to it in order to have a reaction. This makes us wary of bringing clothes and other porous items out. However, we may be able to salvage some electronics and other non-porous items after cleaning. That's a judgment call and some of you who have been through this know the risk is not worth the reward if it means cross-contamination and beginning all over again.

More testing will have to be done down the road on the house to make sure anyone coming in there would not be harmed, of course. The last thing I want to see is anyone getting sick like we've been in the past couple of years.

Thanks for your prayers and emails. They really mean a lot. In the midst of displacement, we are blessed.


Unknown said...

First, bless you! I can't say that I've lived through your exact situation, but I can tell you that living in the Houston/Galveston area, I have been through hurricanes and tropical storms with some of the same effect as you're living. In June, 2001, we lost most everything to Tropical Storm Allison because our house flooded from a creek that had had several Mercury warnings in early 2001. My wife and I decided that if it was wet, it was out. We didn't want to have Mercury poisoning due to clinging onto things. We were able to save our pictures, only because they were above the water line in the house and because we removed them from the house so soon after the flood water receeded.

Second: what I wanted to tell you was to please remember that your computer hard drives can be backed up and the data can be copied to new computers. If you can get to the computers, the hard drives can also just be removed and saved, even if in a plastic bag until you are able to purchase other computers and have the data transferred. Especially if you have digital copies of photos, those can be re-printed, if needed/wanted. Most electronics stores can transfer that data at a nominal cost. If you're buying a new computer, they may do it for you as part of the purchase.

I found your blog and radio program via John Fuller's blog today and have already listened to the Oct 6 and 7 broadcasts. As I type this, I'm listening to the Oct 8 broadcast.

vivian said...

Dear Chris ,
my prayers with you and your family, God bless you all for your strong faith, you gave us a living faith example. thank you for sharing your trial with all of us , your friends in Jesus , as we know everything will turn out ok.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chris and Andrea,
Words cannot express the heart wrenching pain I felt when I heard only part of your story on Thursday morning. The pain and tears of Chris allowed me to see into your world for a short time. I pray that God will give you all a special blessing and in all of this God is still in control. I pray that someday your small children will understand why they may see your tears in place of your laughter. I pray they get more dogs but none will replace the two you lost. There are not many things I know or need to know about your pain, the one thing I do know is that God loves you and He will walk with you through this tragedy. It was good to hear your laughter, somehow it eased my pain a little. This is not about me but you allow me to put more trust in God than in houses and things. Thank you Chris and Andrea for allowing me to peak into your life at such a hard time as this. Thank you for allow me to come here and let you know that you are loved, not only by God, who loves you so much, but also by me!!! Keep the faith!!!! This has already been a testimony to the world of the goodness of God!

Rev. Deborah Hughes (Chicago listner, WMBI 90.1fm)